Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
info.magnolia magnolia-core 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia magnolia-jaas 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia magnolia-rendering 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia magnolia-templating 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia magnolia-templating-jsp 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.about magnolia-about-app 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.bundle magnolia-community-product-descriptor 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.cache magnolia-cache-core 5.6.1 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.cache magnolia-cache-ehcache3 5.6.1 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.core magnolia-virtual-uri 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.definitions magnolia-definitions-app 1.1.3 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.jcrbrowser magnolia-jcr-browser-app 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-ar 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-cs 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-da 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-de 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-el 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-es 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-fi 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-fr 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-he 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-hr 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-hu 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-id 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-it 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-ja 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-ko 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-nl 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-no 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-pl 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-pt 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-pt_BR 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-ru 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-sk 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-sq 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-sv 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-tr 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-zh_CN 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.lang magnolia-lang-zh_TW 1.0.11 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.pages magnolia-pages-app 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.publishing magnolia-publishing-app 1.0.5 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.publishing magnolia-publishing-core 1.0.5 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.publishing magnolia-publishing-receiver 1.0.5 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.publishing magnolia-publishing-sender 1.0.5 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.resources magnolia-resources 2.6.1 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.resources magnolia-resources-app 2.6.1 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.resources magnolia-resources-templating 2.6.1 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.scheduler magnolia-module-scheduler 2.3.1 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement magnolia-security-app 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-admincentral 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.widgetset magnolia-vaadin-widgetset 5.7 jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
org.apache.tika tika-parsers 1.17 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.bouncycastle bcmail-jdk15on 1.58 jar Bouncy Castle Licence
org.bouncycastle bcprov-jdk15on 1.58 jar Bouncy Castle Licence


The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
com.h2database h2 1.4.192 jar MPL 2.0 or EPL 1.0

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type Licenses
aopalliance aopalliance 1.0 - jar Public Domain
cglib cglib-nodep 3.2.2 - jar ASF 2.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core 2.9.5 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.github.virtuald curvesapi 1.04 - jar BSD License annotations 2.0.1 - jar GNU Lesser Public License gson 2.8.5 - jar Apache 2.0 error_prone_annotations 2.0.18 - jar Apache 2.0 guava 23.1-jre - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 guice 4.2.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 guice-multibindings 4.2.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.googlecode.juniversalchardet juniversalchardet 1.0.3 - jar Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
com.googlecode.mp4parser isoparser 1.1.18 - jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0
com.jhlabs filters 2.0.235 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
com.mycila.guice.extensions mycila-guice-closeable 4.0.rc1 - jar Apache License 2.0
com.mycila.guice.extensions mycila-guice-injection 4.0.rc1 - jar Apache License 2.0
com.mycila.guice.extensions mycila-guice-jsr250 4.0.rc1 - jar Apache License 2.0
com.pff java-libpst 0.8.1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.rometools rome 1.7.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.rometools rome-utils 1.7.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.tdunning json 1.8 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.thoughtworks.proxytoys proxytoys 1.01-MAGNOLIA-5317-patched - jar null
com.twelvemonkeys.common common-image 3.1.0 - jar -
com.twelvemonkeys.common common-io 3.1.0 - jar -
com.twelvemonkeys.common common-lang 3.1.0 - jar -
com.twelvemonkeys.imageio imageio-core 3.1.0 - jar -
com.twelvemonkeys.imageio imageio-jpeg 3.1.0 - jar -
com.twelvemonkeys.imageio imageio-metadata 3.1.0 - jar -
com.twelvemonkeys.imageio imageio-tiff 3.1.0 - jar -
com.vaadin vaadin-compatibility-client 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin vaadin-compatibility-server 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin vaadin-compatibility-shared 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin vaadin-compatibility-themes 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin vaadin-server 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin vaadin-shared 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin.external gentyref 1.2.0.vaadin1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-beanutils commons-beanutils 1.9.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-betwixt commons-betwixt 0.8 - jar /LICENSE.txt
commons-codec commons-codec 1.10 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-collections commons-collections 3.2.2 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-dbcp commons-dbcp 1.4 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-digester commons-digester 2.1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-fileupload commons-fileupload 1.3.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-io commons-io 2.5 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-lang commons-lang 2.4 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
commons-pool commons-pool 1.5.4 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
concurrent concurrent 1.3.4 - jar > sentiment-analysis-parser 0.1 - jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
info.magnolia magnolia-i18n 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.core magnolia-configuration 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.core magnolia-freemarker-support 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.core magnolia-resource-loader 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.icons magnolia-icons 19 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.imaging magnolia-imaging 3.4.1 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.imaging magnolia-imaging-support 3.4.1 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.pages magnolia-pages-editor-widget 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.task magnolia-task-management 1.2.4 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-actionbar 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-api 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-contentapp 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-dialog 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-form 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-framework 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-imageprovider 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-vaadin-common-widgets 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-vaadin-integration 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-vaadin-theme 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.ui magnolia-ui-workbench 5.7 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.vaadin.addons vaadin-compatibility-aceeditor 1.0 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.vaadin.addons vaadin-compatibility-ckeditor 1.0 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
info.magnolia.vaadin.addons vaadin-compatibility-context-menu 1.0 - jar GPLv3-Magnolia Network Agreement
javax.el javax.el-api 3.0.1-b04 - jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.inject javax.inject 1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
javax.jcr jcr 2.0 - jar Day Specification License-Day Specification License addendum
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api 1.2.1 - jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
jaxen jaxen 1.1.6 - jar null
net.sf.ezmorph ezmorph 1.0.6 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.sf.json-lib json-lib 2.3 jdk15 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache jackrabbit-ocm 2.0.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-collections4 4.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-compress 1.12 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.7 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-proxy 1.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.derby derby - jar Apache 2
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.5.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcore 4.4.7 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpmime 4.5.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jackrabbit jackrabbit-api 2.16.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jackrabbit jackrabbit-core 2.16.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jackrabbit jackrabbit-data 2.16.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jackrabbit jackrabbit-jcr-commons 2.16.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jackrabbit jackrabbit-spi 2.16.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jackrabbit jackrabbit-spi-commons 2.16.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-api 2.8.2 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-core 2.8.2 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-slf4j-impl 2.8.2 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.lucene lucene-core 3.6.0 - jar Apache 2
org.apache.pdfbox fontbox 2.0.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.pdfbox jempbox 1.8.13 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.pdfbox pdfbox 2.0.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.poi poi 3.15 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.poi poi-ooxml 3.17 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.poi poi-ooxml-schemas 3.17 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.poi poi-scratchpad 3.17 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.tika tika-core 1.17 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.xmlbeans xmlbeans 2.6.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.atteo evo-inflector 1.2.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.bouncycastle bcpkix-jdk15on 1.58 - jar Bouncy Castle Licence
org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup tagsoup 1.2.1 - jar Apache License 2.0
org.codelibs jhighlight 1.0.2 - jar CDDL, v1.0-LGPL, v2.1 or later
org.commonjava.googlecode.markdown4j markdown4j 2.2-cj-1.1 - jar APLv2.0 imageinfo 1.9 - jar Public Domain
org.ehcache sizeof 0.3.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.ehcache.modules ehcache-api 3.3.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.ehcache.modules ehcache-core 3.3.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.ehcache.modules ehcache-impl 3.3.0 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.freemarker freemarker 2.3.28 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.gagravarr vorbis-java-core 0.8 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.gagravarr vorbis-java-tika 0.8 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.javassist javassist 3.18.2-GA - jar MPL 1.1-LGPL 2.1-Apache License 2.0
org.jdom jdom 1.1 - jar -
org.jdom jdom2 2.0.6 - jar Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed
org.jsoup jsoup 1.11.3 - jar The MIT License
org.mindrot jbcrypt 0.4 - jar ISC
org.objenesis objenesis 2.1 - jar Apache 2
org.quartz-scheduler quartz 2.2.3 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.reflections reflections 0.9.9 - jar WTFPL-The New BSD License
org.safehaus.jug jug 2.0.0 asl jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0-GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.25 - jar MIT License
org.slf4j jul-to-slf4j 1.7.24 - jar MIT License
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.25 - jar MIT License
org.tallison jmatio 1.2 - jar BSD
org.terracotta offheap-store 2.3.2 - jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.terracotta statistics 1.4.3 - jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.tukaani xz 1.6 - jar Public Domain
org.vaadin viritin 2.0.alpha1 - jar Apache 2
org.vaadin.addon confirmdialog 3.1.1 - jar Apache 2
org.vaadin.addon easyuploads 8.0.0 - jar Apache 2
org.vaadin.addons gwt-graphics 1.0.0 - jar -
org.yaml snakeyaml 1.21 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0 cos 05Nov2002 - jar Jason Hunter License cloning 1.9.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type Licenses gwt-elemental 2.8.2 - jar GWT Terms gwt-user 2.8.2 - jar GWT Terms jsinterop-annotations 1.0.1 - jar GWT Terms jsinterop-annotations 1.0.2 sources jar GWT Terms
com.vaadin vaadin-client 8.4.2 - jar Apache License Version 2.0
com.vaadin vaadin-sass-compiler 0.9.13 - jar Apache License 2.0
com.vaadin.external.flute flute 1.3.0.gg2 - jar W3C Software Copyright Notice and License
javax.servlet javax.servlet-api 3.0.1 - jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.validation validation-api 2.0.0.Final - jar Apache License 2.0
javax.validation validation-api 1.0.0.GA sources jar license.txt
org.w3c.css sac 1.3 - jar The W3C Software License

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


MPL 2.0 or EPL 1.0: H2 Database Engine

The New BSD License: Reflections

Unnamed: ProxyToys Core, jaxen

Apache License Version 2.0: vaadin-client, vaadin-compatibility-client, vaadin-compatibility-server, vaadin-compatibility-shared, vaadin-compatibility-themes, vaadin-server, vaadin-shared


CDDL, v1.0: JHighlight

Apache 2.0: Gson, error-prone annotations

The Apache License, Version 2.0: SentimentAnalysisParser, Terracotta Off-Heap Store, Terracotta Statistics

MIT License: JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J, JUL to SLF4J bridge, SLF4J API Module

W3C Software Copyright Notice and License: Flute

LGPL, v2.1 or later: JHighlight

GPLv3: Magnolia Configuration Framework, Magnolia Core, Magnolia Definitions app, Magnolia FreeMarker Support, Magnolia Icons, Magnolia Imaging Module, Magnolia Imaging Support Module, Magnolia Internationalization Framework, Magnolia JAAS, Magnolia Language files : Albanian, Magnolia Language files : Arabic, Magnolia Language files : Chinese (PRC), Magnolia Language files : Chinese (Taiwan), Magnolia Language files : Croatian, Magnolia Language files : Czech, Magnolia Language files : Danish, Magnolia Language files : Dutch, Magnolia Language files : Finnish, Magnolia Language files : French, Magnolia Language files : German, Magnolia Language files : Greek, Magnolia Language files : Hebrew, Magnolia Language files : Hungarian, Magnolia Language files : Indonesian, Magnolia Language files : Italian, Magnolia Language files : Japanese, Magnolia Language files : Korean, Magnolia Language files : Norwegian, Magnolia Language files : Polish, Magnolia Language files : Portuguese, Magnolia Language files : Portuguese (Brazil), Magnolia Language files : Russian, Magnolia Language files : Slovak, Magnolia Language files : Spanish, Magnolia Language files : Swedish, Magnolia Language files : Turkish, Magnolia Module Cache, Magnolia Module EhCache3, Magnolia Publishing App, Magnolia Publishing Core, Magnolia Publishing Receiver, Magnolia Publishing Sender, Magnolia Rendering, Magnolia Resource Loader, Magnolia Resources App Module, Magnolia Resources Module, Magnolia Resources templating Module, Magnolia Scheduler Module: Module, Magnolia Templating, Magnolia Templating for JSP, Magnolia Virtual URI, Task Management Magnolia Module, magnolia-about-app, magnolia-community-product-descriptor, magnolia-empty-webapp, magnolia-jcr-browser-app, magnolia-pages-app, magnolia-pages-editor-widget, magnolia-security-app, magnolia-ui-actionbar, magnolia-ui-admincentral, magnolia-ui-api, magnolia-ui-contentapp, magnolia-ui-dialog, magnolia-ui-form, magnolia-ui-framework, magnolia-ui-imageprovider, magnolia-ui-vaadin-common-widgets, magnolia-ui-vaadin-integration, magnolia-ui-vaadin-theme, magnolia-ui-workbench, magnolia-vaadin-widgetset, vaadin-compatibility-aceeditor, vaadin-compatibility-ckeditor, vaadin-compatibility-context-menu

Apache 2: Apache Derby Database Engine and Embedded JDBC Driver, ConfirmDialog, EasyUploads, Lucene Core, Objenesis, Viritin

Public domain, Sun Microsoystems: Dough Lea's util.concurrent package


Similar to Apache License but with the acknowledgment clause removed: JDOM

Unknown: JDOM, TwelveMonkeys :: Common :: IO, TwelveMonkeys :: Common :: Image, TwelveMonkeys :: Common :: Language support, TwelveMonkeys :: ImageIO :: Core, TwelveMonkeys :: ImageIO :: JPEG plugin, TwelveMonkeys :: ImageIO :: Metadata, TwelveMonkeys :: ImageIO :: TIFF plugin, gwt-graphics

Apache License 2.0: Bean Validation API, Javassist, Mycila Guice :: Extensions :: Closeable Injector, Mycila Guice :: Extensions :: Injection, Mycila Guice :: Extensions :: JSR-250, TagSoup, Vaadin Sass Compiler

BSD License: curvesapi

The MIT License: jsoup Java HTML Parser

Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons BeanUtils, Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons Compress, Apache Commons FileUpload, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Apache FontBox, Apache FreeMarker, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpClient Mime, Apache HttpCore, Apache Jackrabbit API, Apache JempBox, Apache Log4j API, Apache Log4j Core, Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding, Apache PDFBox, Apache Tika core, Apache Tika parsers, Bean Validation API, Evo Inflector, JHLabs Image Processing Filters, Jackrabbit Core, Jackrabbit Data, Jackrabbit JCR Commons, Jackrabbit SPI, Jackrabbit SPI Commons, SnakeYAML, cloning

ISC: jBCrypt

Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1): juniversalchardet

MPL 1.1: Javassist

GWT Terms: gwt-elemental, gwt-user, jsinterop-annotations

Jason Hunter License: COS

Magnolia Network Agreement: Magnolia Configuration Framework, Magnolia Core, Magnolia Definitions app, Magnolia FreeMarker Support, Magnolia Icons, Magnolia Imaging Module, Magnolia Imaging Support Module, Magnolia Internationalization Framework, Magnolia JAAS, Magnolia Language files : Albanian, Magnolia Language files : Arabic, Magnolia Language files : Chinese (PRC), Magnolia Language files : Chinese (Taiwan), Magnolia Language files : Croatian, Magnolia Language files : Czech, Magnolia Language files : Danish, Magnolia Language files : Dutch, Magnolia Language files : Finnish, Magnolia Language files : French, Magnolia Language files : German, Magnolia Language files : Greek, Magnolia Language files : Hebrew, Magnolia Language files : Hungarian, Magnolia Language files : Indonesian, Magnolia Language files : Italian, Magnolia Language files : Japanese, Magnolia Language files : Korean, Magnolia Language files : Norwegian, Magnolia Language files : Polish, Magnolia Language files : Portuguese, Magnolia Language files : Portuguese (Brazil), Magnolia Language files : Russian, Magnolia Language files : Slovak, Magnolia Language files : Spanish, Magnolia Language files : Swedish, Magnolia Language files : Turkish, Magnolia Module Cache, Magnolia Module EhCache3, Magnolia Publishing App, Magnolia Publishing Core, Magnolia Publishing Receiver, Magnolia Publishing Sender, Magnolia Rendering, Magnolia Resource Loader, Magnolia Resources App Module, Magnolia Resources Module, Magnolia Resources templating Module, Magnolia Scheduler Module: Module, Magnolia Templating, Magnolia Templating for JSP, Magnolia Virtual URI, Task Management Magnolia Module, magnolia-about-app, magnolia-community-product-descriptor, magnolia-empty-webapp, magnolia-jcr-browser-app, magnolia-pages-app, magnolia-pages-editor-widget, magnolia-security-app, magnolia-ui-actionbar, magnolia-ui-admincentral, magnolia-ui-api, magnolia-ui-contentapp, magnolia-ui-dialog, magnolia-ui-form, magnolia-ui-framework, magnolia-ui-imageprovider, magnolia-ui-vaadin-common-widgets, magnolia-ui-vaadin-integration, magnolia-ui-vaadin-theme, magnolia-ui-workbench, magnolia-vaadin-widgetset, vaadin-compatibility-aceeditor, vaadin-compatibility-ckeditor, vaadin-compatibility-context-menu

Apache Software License - Version 2.0: ISO Parser

APLv2.0: markdown4j

Day Specification License addendum: Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API

ASF 2.0: cglib-nodep

Day Specification License: Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API

Public Domain: AOP alliance, ImageInfo, XZ for Java

GNU Lesser Public License: FindBugs-Annotations

Bouncy Castle Licence: Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs, Bouncy Castle Provider, Bouncy Castle S/MIME API

WTFPL: Reflections

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1: Java UUID Generator

LGPL 2.1: Javassist

CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception: Expression Language 3.0 API, Java Servlet API, JavaServer Pages(TM) Standard Tag Library API

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache POI, Apache Tika plugin for Ogg, Vorbis and FLAC, Betwixt, Commons DBCP, Commons Digester, Commons Lang, Commons Pool, Commons Proxy, Ehcache 3 API module, Ehcache 3 Core module, Ehcache 3 Implementation module, Ehcache SizeOf Engine, GenTyRef, Google Guice - Core Library, Google Guice - Extensions - MultiBindings, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, Jackrabbit Object Content Mapping 2.x, Jackson-core, Java UUID Generator, Ogg and Vorbis for Java, Core, Open JSON, XmlBeans, ezmorph, java-libpst, javax.inject, json-lib, quartz, rome, rome-utils

The W3C Software License: Simple API for CSS

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information Sealed
aopalliance-1.0.jar 4.5 kB 15 9 2 1.3 Yes No
c3p0- 608.4 kB 434 382 44 1.4 Yes No
cglib-nodep-3.2.2.jar 352.4 kB 290 266 9 1.5 Yes No
jackson-core-2.9.5.jar 321.6 kB 130 105 11 1.6 Yes No
curvesapi-1.04.jar 98.4 kB 102 83 6 1.5 Yes No
annotations-2.0.1.jar 74.6 kB 134 62 5 1.5 Yes No
gson-2.8.5.jar 241.6 kB 197 180 8 1.6 Yes No
error_prone_annotations-2.0.18.jar 12.1 kB 31 19 2 1.7 No No
guava-23.1-jre.jar 2.6 MB 1925 1895 18 1.8 Yes No
gwt-elemental-2.8.2.jar 1.8 MB 2401 1201 28 1.7 Yes No
gwt-user-2.8.2.jar 16.3 MB 11690 5441 183 1.7 Yes No
guice-4.2.0.jar 823.5 kB 602 573 15 1.7 Yes No
guice-multibindings-4.2.0.jar 6.1 kB 6 0 0 - No No
jsinterop-annotations-1.0.1.jar 4.1 kB 10 9 1 1.7 No No
jsinterop-annotations-1.0.2-sources.jar 9.5 kB 10 0 0 - No No
juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar 220.8 kB 77 62 6 1.5 Yes No
isoparser-1.1.18.jar 1.1 MB 695 608 61 1.5 Yes No
h2-1.4.192.jar 1.8 MB 672 669 35 1.7 Yes No
filters-2.0.235.jar 340.3 kB 254 241 4 1.1 Yes No
mycila-guice-closeable-4.0.rc1.jar 6.9 kB 18 4 1 1.7 Yes No
mycila-guice-injection-4.0.rc1.jar 35.1 kB 40 28 1 1.7 Yes No
mycila-guice-jsr250-4.0.rc1.jar 11.7 kB 21 7 1 1.7 Yes No
java-libpst-0.8.1.jar 85.5 kB 44 33 1 1.5 Yes No
rome-1.7.0.jar 253.4 kB 145 123 10 1.6 Yes No
rome-utils-1.7.0.jar 7.3 kB 18 8 1 1.6 Yes No
json-1.8.jar 25.5 kB 18 9 1 1.6 Yes No
proxytoys-1.01-MAGNOLIA-5317-patched.jar 103.5 kB 119 95 14 1.5 Yes No
common-image-3.1.0.jar 82.5 kB 60 50 1 1.7 Yes No
common-io-3.1.0.jar 88.6 kB 74 59 5 1.7 Yes No
common-lang-3.1.0.jar 117.2 kB 115 101 5 1.7 Yes No
imageio-core-3.1.0.jar 57.9 kB 67 48 5 1.7 Yes No
imageio-jpeg-3.1.0.jar 58 kB 48 33 1 1.7 Yes No
imageio-metadata-3.1.0.jar 67.6 kB 63 47 6 1.7 Yes No
imageio-tiff-3.1.0.jar 61.7 kB 41 25 1 1.7 Yes No
vaadin-client-8.4.2.jar 3.1 MB 1590 939 76 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-client-8.4.2.jar 1.7 MB 875 592 37 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-server-8.4.2.jar 810.2 kB 576 541 22 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-shared-8.4.2.jar 127 kB 189 83 22 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-themes-8.4.2.jar 1.5 MB 925 1 1 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-sass-compiler-0.9.13.jar 532.6 kB 325 167 13 1.6 Yes No
vaadin-server-8.4.2.jar 2.7 MB 1506 911 27 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-shared-8.4.2.jar 528.9 kB 732 339 72 1.8 Yes No
gentyref-1.2.0.vaadin1.jar 23.5 kB 23 13 1 1.5 Yes No
flute-1.3.0.gg2.jar 79.8 kB 45 35 3 1.6 Yes No
commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar 246.2 kB 154 137 5 1.6 Yes No
commons-betwixt-0.8.jar 242.2 kB 198 166 13 1.3 Yes No
commons-codec-1.10.jar 284.2 kB 238 92 6 1.6 Yes No
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 588.3 kB 484 460 12 1.3 Yes No
commons-dbcp-1.4.jar 160.5 kB 80 62 5 1.6 Yes No
commons-digester-2.1.jar 196.8 kB 182 155 14 1.5 Yes No
commons-fileupload-1.3.3.jar 70.6 kB 67 49 6 1.5 Yes No
commons-io-2.5.jar 208.7 kB 142 123 7 1.6 Yes No
commons-lang-2.4.jar 261.8 kB 148 127 9 1.2 Yes No
commons-pool-1.5.4.jar 96.2 kB 66 52 2 1.3 Yes No
concurrent-1.3.4.jar 189.3 kB 230 221 2 1.1 No No
sentiment-analysis-parser-0.1.jar 28.7 kB 41 15 4 1.7 Yes No
magnolia-core-5.7.jar 2.7 MB 1476 1277 89 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-i18n-5.7.jar 66.8 kB 74 51 6 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-jaas-5.7.jar 28.4 kB 31 14 3 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-rendering-5.7.jar 134.6 kB 132 88 20 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-templating-5.7.jar 102.8 kB 83 49 9 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-templating-jsp-5.7.jar 51.4 kB 40 18 3 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-about-app-5.7.jar 46.8 kB 51 24 4 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-community-product-descriptor/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No No
magnolia-cache-core-5.6.1.jar 162.6 kB 159 107 22 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-cache-ehcache3-5.6.1.jar 27.5 kB 33 11 3 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-configuration-5.7.jar 198 kB 174 143 17 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-freemarker-support-5.7.jar 52.5 kB 53 35 4 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-resource-loader-5.7.jar 130.4 kB 121 93 14 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-virtual-uri-5.7.jar 36.2 kB 42 20 5 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-definitions-app-1.1.3.jar 121.3 kB 118 72 15 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-icons-19.jar 50.3 kB 21 0 0 - No No
magnolia-imaging-3.4.1.jar 109.3 kB 118 88 12 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-imaging-support-3.4.1.jar 7.2 kB 17 2 1 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-jcr-browser-app-5.7.jar 36.2 kB 47 16 7 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-lang-ar-1.0.11.jar 19.9 kB 30 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-cs-1.0.11.jar 80.3 kB 96 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-da-1.0.11.jar 4 kB 17 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-de-1.0.11.jar 165.3 kB 266 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-el-1.0.11.jar 4.3 kB 17 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-es-1.0.11.jar 63.4 kB 92 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-fi-1.0.11.jar 25.6 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-fr-1.0.11.jar 52.4 kB 74 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-he-1.0.11.jar 19.8 kB 30 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-hr-1.0.11.jar 44.2 kB 58 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-hu-1.0.11.jar 20.5 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-id-1.0.11.jar 24.5 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-it-1.0.11.jar 45.3 kB 63 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-ja-1.0.11.jar 72.5 kB 97 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-ko-1.0.11.jar 142.5 kB 190 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-nl-1.0.11.jar 32 kB 45 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-no-1.0.11.jar 24.5 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-pl-1.0.11.jar 34.3 kB 45 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-pt-1.0.11.jar 24.7 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-pt_BR-1.0.11.jar 25.7 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-ru-1.0.11.jar 26.5 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-sk-1.0.11.jar 24.6 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-sq-1.0.11.jar 21.9 kB 34 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-sv-1.0.11.jar 24.8 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-tr-1.0.11.jar 25 kB 32 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-zh_CN-1.0.11.jar 77 kB 105 0 0 - No No
magnolia-lang-zh_TW-1.0.11.jar 29.8 kB 36 0 0 - No No
magnolia-pages-app-5.7.jar 232.6 kB 202 142 26 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-pages-editor-widget-5.7.jar 269.3 kB 238 121 21 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-publishing-app-1.0.5.jar 26.4 kB 36 11 2 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-publishing-core-1.0.5.jar 103 kB 116 71 17 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-publishing-receiver-1.0.5.jar 37.5 kB 39 9 6 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-publishing-sender-1.0.5.jar 25.7 kB 28 6 4 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-resources-2.6.1.jar 94.9 kB 90 40 7 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-resources-app-2.6.1.jar 223.3 kB 143 80 12 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-resources-templating-2.6.1.jar 12.4 kB 21 3 2 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-module-scheduler-2.3.1.jar 23.1 kB 37 10 3 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-security-app-5.7.jar 230 kB 169 125 17 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-task-management-1.2.4.jar 52.5 kB 60 32 9 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-actionbar-5.7.jar 20.9 kB 31 16 2 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-admincentral-5.7.jar 765.3 kB 385 224 32 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-api-5.7.jar 102.2 kB 151 122 15 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-contentapp-5.7.jar 194.5 kB 167 127 19 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-dialog-5.7.jar 123.8 kB 133 102 16 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-form-5.7.jar 292.4 kB 232 185 22 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-framework-5.7.jar 360.5 kB 319 236 23 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-imageprovider-5.7.jar 14.3 kB 21 6 2 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-vaadin-common-widgets-5.7.jar 3.1 MB 1574 689 108 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-vaadin-integration-5.7.jar 51.4 kB 51 34 3 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-vaadin-theme-5.7.jar 209 kB 65 2 2 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-ui-workbench-5.7.jar 185.4 kB 174 140 13 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-aceeditor-1.0.jar 330.2 kB 183 101 4 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-ckeditor-1.0.jar 1.5 MB 492 33 2 1.8 Yes No
vaadin-compatibility-context-menu-1.0.jar 83.6 kB 87 39 4 1.8 Yes No
magnolia-vaadin-widgetset-5.7.jar 4 MB 750 0 0 - No No
javax.el-api-3.0.1-b04.jar 73.1 kB 57 46 1 1.7 Yes No
javax.inject-1.jar 2.5 kB 8 6 1 1.5 No No
jcr-2.0.jar 69.2 kB 138 120 10 1.4 Yes No
javax.servlet-api-3.0.1.jar 85.4 kB 94 74 4 1.5 Yes No
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api-1.2.1.jar 32.5 kB 37 22 4 1.5 Yes No
validation-api-2.0.0.Final.jar 93.1 kB 163 143 9 1.8 Yes No
validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar 65.2 kB 59 0 0 - No No
jaxen-1.1.6.jar 231.9 kB 241 214 17 1.2 Yes No
ezmorph-1.0.6.jar 86.5 kB 61 46 6 1.1 Yes No
json-lib-2.3-jdk15.jar 151.8 kB 112 98 8 1.5 Yes No
jackrabbit-ocm-2.0.0.jar 189.9 kB 161 114 28 1.5 Yes No
commons-collections4-4.1.jar 751.2 kB 548 518 18 1.6 Yes No
commons-compress-1.12.jar 442.6 kB 268 233 23 1.6 Yes No
commons-lang3-3.7.jar 499.6 kB 295 270 13 1.7 Yes No
commons-proxy-1.0.jar 73.2 kB 83 60 10 1.4 Yes No
derby- 3.2 MB 1811 1751 101 1.8 No Yes
httpclient-4.5.3.jar 747.8 kB 507 466 24 1.6 Yes No
httpcore-4.4.7.jar 325.1 kB 282 252 17 1.6 Yes No
httpmime-4.5.3.jar 41 kB 40 23 2 1.6 Yes No
jackrabbit-api-2.16.1.jar 42.3 kB 82 57 11 1.8 Yes No
jackrabbit-core-2.16.1.jar 2.4 MB 1294 1162 52 1.8 Yes No
jackrabbit-data-2.16.1.jar 172.7 kB 128 94 8 1.8 Yes No
jackrabbit-jcr-commons-2.16.1.jar 403 kB 310 272 23 1.8 Yes No
jackrabbit-spi-2.16.1.jar 28.6 kB 51 37 1 1.8 Yes No
jackrabbit-spi-commons-2.16.1.jar 801.9 kB 534 497 21 1.8 Yes No
log4j-api-2.8.2.jar 228.2 kB 162 143 6 1.7 Yes No
log4j-core-2.8.2.jar 1.4 MB 1001 922 48 1.7 Yes No
log4j-slf4j-impl-2.8.2.jar 23.1 kB 26 10 2 1.7 Yes No
lucene-core-3.6.0.jar 1.5 MB 995 971 18 1.5 Yes No
fontbox-2.0.3.jar 1.5 MB 247 136 10 1.6 Yes No
jempbox-1.8.13.jar 51.7 kB 40 24 3 1.5 Yes No
pdfbox-2.0.3.jar 2.4 MB 784 690 50 1.6 Yes No
poi-3.15.jar 2.6 MB 1752 1677 61 1.6 Yes No
poi-ooxml-3.17.jar 1.5 MB 732 670 46 1.6 Yes No
poi-ooxml-schemas-3.17.jar 5.9 MB 5846 2579 48 1.6 No No
poi-scratchpad-3.17.jar 1.4 MB 775 711 50 1.6 Yes No
tika-core-1.17.jar 663.1 kB 382 318 20 1.7 Yes No
tika-parsers-1.17.jar 1.1 MB 592 481 75 1.7 Yes No
xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar 2.7 MB 2249 1523 52 1.4 Yes No
evo-inflector-1.2.1.jar 12.6 kB 18 7 1 1.6 Yes No
bcmail-jdk15on-1.58.jar 108.2 kB 75 60 5 1.5 No No
bcpkix-jdk15on-1.58.jar 785.9 kB 719 670 42 1.5 No No
bcprov-jdk15on-1.58.jar 4 MB 3286 3127 146 1.5 No No
tagsoup-1.2.1.jar 90.7 kB 29 22 2 1.4 Yes No
jhighlight-1.0.2.jar 234.3 kB 160 138 11 1.6 Yes No
markdown4j-2.2-cj-1.1.jar 64.2 kB 43 30 2 1.7 Yes No
imageinfo-1.9.jar 10.9 kB 12 1 1 1.2 Yes No
sizeof-0.3.0.jar 75.3 kB 85 70 5 1.5 Yes No
ehcache-api-3.3.0.jar 44.5 kB 82 67 10 1.6 Yes No
ehcache-core-3.3.0.jar 247.5 kB 242 217 19 1.6 Yes No
ehcache-impl-3.3.0.jar 718.6 kB 513 456 43 1.6 Yes No
freemarker-2.3.28.jar 1.5 MB 1148 1124 17 1.8 Yes No
vorbis-java-core-0.8.jar 121.1 kB 108 90 8 1.5 Yes No
vorbis-java-tika-0.8.jar 24.9 kB 22 8 1 1.5 Yes No
javassist-3.18.2-GA.jar 714.5 kB 414 390 17 1.6 Yes No
jdom-1.1.jar 153.1 kB 89 76 8 1.2 Yes No
jdom2-2.0.6.jar 304.9 kB 215 195 15 1.5 Yes No
jsoup-1.11.3.jar 395.7 kB 266 248 7 1.7 Yes No
jbcrypt-0.4.jar 17.4 kB 11 1 1 1.5 Yes No
objenesis-2.1.jar 41.8 kB 52 37 9 1.5 Yes No
quartz-2.2.3.jar 660.5 kB 398 350 31 1.6 Yes No
reflections-0.9.9.jar 141.7 kB 117 103 6 1.5 Yes No
jug-2.0.0-asl.jar 31.9 kB 19 15 3 1.1 No No
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.25.jar 16.5 kB 23 9 2 1.5 Yes No
jul-to-slf4j-1.7.24.jar 4.6 kB 11 1 1 1.5 Yes No
slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar 41.2 kB 46 34 4 1.5 Yes No
jmatio-1.2.jar 72.6 kB 53 38 5 1.7 Yes No
offheap-store-2.3.2.jar 311.8 kB 227 199 18 1.6 Yes No
statistics-1.4.3.jar 167.3 kB 177 155 12 1.6 Yes No
xz-1.6.jar 103.1 kB 121 108 9 1.4 No Yes
viritin-2.0.alpha1.jar 317.3 kB 248 221 16 1.7 Yes No
confirmdialog-3.1.1.jar 15.8 kB 19 9 1 1.6 Yes No
easyuploads-8.0.0.jar 341.5 kB 83 46 3 1.8 Yes No
gwt-graphics-1.0.0.jar 89.5 kB 78 34 7 1.6 Yes No
sac-1.3.jar 15.8 kB 37 29 2 1.1 Yes No
snakeyaml-1.21.jar 299.3 kB 247 211 19 1.6 Yes No
cos-05Nov2002.jar 56.4 kB 39 36 2 1.1 Yes No
cloning-1.9.1.jar 25.2 kB 32 21 2 1.5 Yes No
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information Sealed
208 105.5 MB 72292 48652 2892 1.8 164 2
compile: 196 compile: 81.8 MB compile: 55196 compile: 39945 compile: 2538 - compile: 155 compile: 2
runtime: 1 runtime: 1.8 MB runtime: 672 runtime: 669 runtime: 35 - runtime: 1 -
provided: 11 provided: 22 MB provided: 16424 provided: 8038 provided: 319 - provided: 8 -