PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.21.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'cacheModule'. 63
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'repositoryManager'. 64


Rule Violation Line
SimplifiedTernary Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 83


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 48


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 66


Rule Violation Line
EmptyIfStmt Avoid empty if statements 9294


Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 212214


Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 197199
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 218221


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 43


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 50


Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getAll': the method is declared in an interface type 45
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getHits': the method is declared in an interface type 51
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getBypasses': the method is declared in an interface type 57
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPuts': the method is declared in an interface type 63
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getStopCalls': the method is declared in an interface type 69
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getStartCalls': the method is declared in an interface type 75
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getFlushes': the method is declared in an interface type 81
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDomainAccesses': the method is declared in an interface type 88
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getCachedUUIDsCount': the method is declared in an interface type 94
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getCachedKeysCount': the method is declared in an interface type 100
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'flushAll': the method is declared in an interface type 105
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'flushByUUID': the method is declared in an interface type 110

Priority 4


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 5862


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 139
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 139


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 72


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 73


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 168


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 209


Rule Violation Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 103



Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 5862


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'cacheModule'. 3 63
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'repositoryManager'. 3 64


Rule Violation Priority Line
SimplifiedTernary Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 3 83


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 139
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 139


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 3 48


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 72


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 73


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 3 66


Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyIfStmt Avoid empty if statements 3 9294


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 168


Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 212214


Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 197199
CollapsibleIfStatements These nested if statements could be combined 3 218221


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 209


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 3 43


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'log'. 3 50


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getAll': the method is declared in an interface type 3 45
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getHits': the method is declared in an interface type 3 51
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getBypasses': the method is declared in an interface type 3 57
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getPuts': the method is declared in an interface type 3 63
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getStopCalls': the method is declared in an interface type 3 69
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getStartCalls': the method is declared in an interface type 3 75
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getFlushes': the method is declared in an interface type 3 81
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getDomainAccesses': the method is declared in an interface type 3 88
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getCachedUUIDsCount': the method is declared in an interface type 3 94
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'getCachedKeysCount': the method is declared in an interface type 3 100
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'flushAll': the method is declared in an interface type 3 105
UnnecessaryModifier Unnecessary modifier 'public' on method 'flushByUUID': the method is declared in an interface type 3 110


Rule Violation Priority Line
UselessParentheses Useless parentheses. 4 103