CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.5.


            AggregateFilter aggregateFilter = loadAggregateFilter(aggregateNode);
            for (FeedChannel channel : aggregateFeed.getChannels()) {
                if (channel.hasFeed()) {
                    saveFeedChannel(channel, aggregateFilter, dataNode);
        return newAggregateContentUUIDs;

     * Load a single aggregate content node from the given <code>parentNode</code> with the given
     * <code>aggregateName</code>. If no such aggregate could be found, <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param parentNode the parentNode to load the node from
     * @param aggregateNodeName the name of the aggregate content node to load
     * @return the aggregate content node, or <code>null</code> if no such node was found
     * @throws IllegalStateException when multiple aggregate content nodes with the same name are found

    protected Node loadSingleAggregateNode(Node parentNode, String aggregateNodeName) throws RepositoryException {
        // ////////////////
        // SHOULD BE MOVE IN NodeUtil
        // ///////////////
        NodeIterator nodeIterator = parentNode.getNodes(aggregateNodeName);
        Collection<Node> aggregateNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
        while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
            Node currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
            if (NodeUtil.isNodeType(currentNode, RSSAggregatorNodeTypes.RSSAggregator.NAME)) {
        // ////////////////
        // END
        // ///////////////
        int size = aggregateNodes.size();
        if (size > 1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(format(
                    "Expected content node '%s' to have at most 1 child named '%s' of item type '%s', but found %s",
                    parentNode, aggregateNodeName, RSSAggregatorNodeTypes.RSSAggregator.NAME, size));
        if (aggregateNodes.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        return aggregateNodes.iterator().next();

     * Behaves exactly like {@link NodeUtil#createPath(Node contentNode, String name, String itemType, boolean save)}. This method exists for
     * testability.
     * @param contentNode the contentNode to (create if non-existent and then) get
     * @param name the name of the node
     * @param itemType the type of the content node
     * @return the created content node
     * @throws RepositoryException when an exception occurs accessing the Content Repository
    protected Node getOrCreateNode(Node contentNode, String name, String itemType) throws RepositoryException {
        return NodeUtil.createPath(contentNode, name, itemType, true);

     * Load the {@link AggregateFilter} for the {@link AggregateFeed} which is represented by the given
     * <code>aggregateNode</code>. Only
     * @param aggregateNode the content node representing the AggregateFeed to load the AggregateFilter for
     * @return the aggregate filter
     * @throws RepositoryException when an exception occurs accessing the Content Repository
    public AggregateFilter loadAggregateFilter(Node aggregateNode) throws RepositoryException {
        Node filtersNode = aggregateNode.hasNode("filters") ? aggregateNode.getNode("filters") : null;
        if (filtersNode == null) {
            return new AggregateFilter(Collections.<FilterPredicate>emptySet());
        Set<FilterPredicate> filters = new HashSet<FilterPredicate>();
        List<Node> filterNodes = NodeUtil.asList(NodeUtil.getNodes(filtersNode, VersionUtil.getNodeTypeName(filtersNode)));

        for (Node n : filterNodes) {
            FilterPredicate filterPredicate = filterPredicateMapper.map(n);
            if (filterPredicate == null) {
        return new AggregateFilter(filters);

     * Save the {@link SyndFeed#getEntries() entries} contained {@link FeedChannel#feed in} the given
     * {@link FeedChannel} that pass the given {@link AggregateFilter} in the provided <code>dataNode</code>.
     * @param dataNode the content node to store the feed content under
     * @param feedChannel the feed channel to save
     * @param aggregateFilter the aggregate filter to apply to entries in the feed channel
     * @throws RepositoryException when an exception occurs accessing the Content Repository
    protected Node saveFeedChannel(FeedChannel feedChannel, AggregateFilter aggregateFilter, Node dataNode) throws RepositoryException {
        Node channelNode = recreateFeedChannelNode(feedChannel, dataNode);
        List<SyndEntry> entries = feedChannel.getFeed().getEntries();
        int size = entries.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            SyndEntry entry = entries.get(i);
            String entryName = format("entry-%s", i);
            if (aggregateFilter.include(entry)) {
                createFeedChannelEntryNode(entry, entryName, channelNode);
        return channelNode;

     * Recreate the feed channel content node the given feed channel in the Content Repository.
     * @param dataNode the node to store the feed channel under
     * @param feedChannel the feed channel to recreate
     * @return the created feed channel content node
     * @throws RepositoryException when an exception occurs accessing the Content Repository
    protected Node recreateFeedChannelNode(FeedChannel feedChannel, Node dataNode) throws RepositoryException {
        String channelName = feedChannel.getName();
        if (dataNode.hasNode(channelName)) {
            String absPath = dataNode.getNode(channelName).getPath();
        Node channelNode = NodeUtil.createPath(dataNode, channelName, NodeTypes.Content.NAME, true);

        SyndFeed feed = feedChannel.getFeed();
        channelNode.setProperty("description", feed.getDescription()); // 'My Blog'
        channelNode.setProperty("link", feed.getLink()); // 'http://domain.com'
        channelNode.setProperty("rss", feedChannel.getUrl()); // 'http://domain.com/channel.rss'
        channelNode.setProperty("title", !isEmpty(feedChannel.getTitle()) ? feedChannel.getTitle() : feed.getTitle());
        channelNode.setProperty("type", feed.getFeedType()); // 'rss_2.0'
        return channelNode;

     * Create a feed channel entry node under the given <code>channelNode</code> with the given <code>nodeName</code>
     * for the given <code>entry</code>.
     * @param entry the feed channel entry to save
     * @param nodeName the name of the feed channel entry node to create
     * @param channelNode the feed channel content node to create the feed channel entry under
     * @throws RepositoryException when an exception occurs accessing the Content Repository
    protected Node createFeedChannelEntryNode(SyndEntry entry, String nodeName, Node channelNode) throws RepositoryException {
        Node entryNode = NodeUtil.createPath(channelNode, nodeName, NodeTypes.Content.NAME, true);
        entryNode.setProperty("author", entry.getAuthor() == null ? "" : entry.getAuthor());
        entryNode.setProperty("channelTitle", PropertyUtil.getString(channelNode, "title"));
        final SyndContent description = entry.getDescription();

        String descriptionString;
        if (description != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(description.getValue())) {
            descriptionString = description.getValue();
        } else {
            descriptionString = getEntryContent(entry);

        entryNode.setProperty("description", descriptionString);
        entryNode.setProperty("content", getEntryContent(entry));
        entryNode.setProperty("link", entry.getLink());
        Date publishedDate = entry.getPublishedDate();
        if (publishedDate == null) {
            publishedDate = new Date();
        entryNode.setProperty("pubDate", publishedDate.getTime());
        entryNode.setProperty("title", entry.getTitle());

        createCategoriesNode(entry, entryNode);
        return entryNode;

     * Retrieves the main content of an entry.
     * @param entry Feed entry holding all data.
     * @return Entry content as String or empty String if no content is available.
    protected String getEntryContent(SyndEntry entry) {
        String entryContent = "";

        if (entry != null && entry.getContents().size() > 0) {
            final List<SyndContent> contents = entry.getContents();
            for (SyndContent content : contents) {
                if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("html", content.getType()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(content.getType())) {
                    entryContent = content.getValue();
        return entryContent;
        register(DeltaBuilder.update("2.0.2", "")
                .addTask(new ArrayDelegateTask("Bootstrap missing components",
                            new NodeExistsDelegateTask("", "", RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/modules/rssaggregator/templates/components/combinedFeedsParagraph",
                                    new CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask("Change templateScript", "Change templateScript of combinedFeedsParagraphs", RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/modules/rssaggregator/templates/components/combinedFeedsParagraph", "templateScript", "/info/magnolia/module/rssaggregator/paragraphs/combinedFeed.ftl", "/rssaggregator/components/combinedFeed.ftl"),
                                    new BootstrapSingleResource("Bootstrap component", "Bootstrap combinedFeedsParagraph", "/mgnl-bootstrap/rssaggregator/templates/components/config.modules.rssaggregator.templates.components.combinedFeedsParagraph.xml", ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING)
                            new NodeExistsDelegateTask("", "", RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/modules/rssaggregator/templates/components/feedListParagraph",
                                    new CheckAndModifyPropertyValueTask("Change templateScript", "Change templateScript of feedListParagraph", RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/modules/rssaggregator/templates/components/feedListParagraph", "templateScript", "/info/magnolia/module/rssaggregator/paragraphs/feedList.ftl", "/rssaggregator/components/feedList.ftl"),
                                    new BootstrapSingleResource("Bootstrap component", "Bootstrap feedListParagraph", "/mgnl-bootstrap/rssaggregator/templates/components/config.modules.rssaggregator.templates.components.feedListParagraph.xml", ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING)