Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Magnolia Core Magnolia is an open-source enterprise class Content Management System developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based on the standard API for Java Content Repositories (JCR).
Magnolia JAAS Magnolia is an open-source enterprise class Content Management System developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based on the standard API for Java Content Repositories (JCR).
Magnolia Internationalization Framework Magnolia is an open-source enterprise class Content Management System developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based on the standard API for Java Content Repositories (JCR).
Magnolia Rendering Magnolia is an open-source enterprise class Content Management System developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based on the standard API for Java Content Repositories (JCR).
Magnolia Templating Magnolia is an open-source enterprise class Content Management System developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based on the standard API for Java Content Repositories (JCR).
Magnolia Templating for JSP Magnolia is an open-source enterprise class Content Management System developed by Magnolia International Ltd., based on the standard API for Java Content Repositories (JCR).