Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
106 0 0 7 93.396% 0.97

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
info.magnolia.i18nsystem.proxytoys 33 0 0 4 87.879% 0.1
info.magnolia.i18nsystem.util 16 0 0 0 100% 0.007
info.magnolia.i18nsystem.setup 8 0 0 0 100% 0.055
info.magnolia.i18nsystem 48 0 0 2 95.833% 0.808 1 0 0 1 0% 0

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ChildDecoratorTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.02
MethodsAnnotatedWithTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.005
ProxytoysI18nizerTest 18 0 0 4 77.778% 0.074
ReturnsAnnotatedTypeArgumentTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.001


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AnnotationUtilsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.003
GenericsUtilsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.002
LocaleUtilsTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.001
MessageFormatterUtilsTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.001


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AbstractRemoveHardcodedI18nPropertiesTaskTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.043
RemoveHardcodedI18nPropertiesFromDialogsTaskTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.005
RemoveHardcodedI18nPropertiesFromSubappsTaskTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.007


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AbstractI18nKeyGeneratorTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.339
DefaultMessageBundlesLoaderTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.192
SimpleTranslatorTest 8 0 0 2 75% 0.017
TranslationServiceImplReloadBundlesTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.009
TranslationServiceImplTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.251

Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
GenerateTranslationFilesImplTest 1 0 0 1 0% 0

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


ancestorsFromList 0.293
getDifferentBundlenamesForEachChild 0.01
addKeyConsidersLabelAsAnOptionalSuffix 0.008
getNullBundlenameWhenNoneIsDefined 0.007
getRootBundlenameWhenNoOtherIsDefined 0.004
getIdOrNameForUnknownRoot 0.003
getRoot 0.004
ancestorsFromSimpleChain 0.002
getRootKeyGenerator 0.004
getAncestorKeyGenerators 0.004


testUTF8CharactersAreReadProperly 0.154
sanitiseHtmlContent 0.015
bundlesLoaderLoadsAllLocales 0.012
doesNotSanitiseFormattingRelatedHtmlContent 0.011


decorateList 0.014
decoratedListIsModifiable 0
decorateCollection 0.001
decorateMap 0.005


includesMethodOnSuperclass 0.004
doesNotIncludeOtherRandomMethod 0
includesMethodOnSelf 0.001
includesMethodOnInterface 0


decorateChildWithNullObjectDoesNotThrowException 0.001
decorateEnum 0
currently can't proxy enums because they're final. The use-case would be to provide 'typed' static messages; maybe we can have another api, e.g SimpleTranslator - see MAGNOLIA-5296
i18nizerCanProxyIfObjectAlreadyProxiedBySthgElse 0.006
decorateWithNullObjectDoesNotThrowException 0
testWithSingleChildObject 0.003
blowsIfObjectIsAlreadyProxiedByI18nizer 0.004
testWithDeeperChildren 0.013
testSimpleObject 0.003
i18nTextAnnotationOnNonStringType 0
Currently makes no sense - un-ignore the day we find a real use-case
canFormatMessagesForMethodsWithArguments 0
Not implemented yet - not sure we want this
decoratedMapShouldAllowToPutNewObjectsAndDecorateThem 0
Not implemented yet
decoratedObjectsCanBeClonedWithClonerLib 0.024
nullChildJustReturnsNull 0
testWithChildren 0.007
objectsClonedWithClonerLibCanBeDecorated 0.001
defaultValuesSetInConstructorDoNotOverrideValuesAfterProxying 0.006
testWithChildrenInMap 0.004
testWithExistingValuesBeforeDecoration 0.002


includesSimpleGetter 0
doesNotIncludeGetterWhereReturnTypeIsNotAnnotatedEvenIfMethodItselfIsAnnotated 0
includesMapOfAnnotatedTypeValues 0
includesInheritedMethods 0
includesListOfAnnotatedTypes 0
doesNotIncludeGetterWhereReturnTypeIsNotAnnotated 0.001
canNotIncludeMapOfAnnotatedTypeValues 0


removeHardcodedI18nPropertiesUnderAppNode 0.042
leaveOtherPropertiesAlone 0.001


removeI18nPropertiesFromDialogs 0.003
removeHardcodedI18nPropertiesUnderAppNode 0.001
leaveOtherPropertiesAlone 0.001


removeI18nPropertiesFromSubapps 0.005
removeHardcodedI18nPropertiesUnderAppNode 0.001
leaveOtherPropertiesAlone 0.001


keyWithPrintfFormat 0
Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
singleKey 0.009
extraTestForConditionsAndPlurals 0.004
keyWithPrintfFormatMultipleArgs 0
Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
testTranslateShouldNotFailOnInvalidI18nMessage 0.001
formatAccordingToLocale 0.002
keyWithMessageFormat 0.001
keyWithMessageFormatMultipleArgs 0


generateTranslationFilesAndEverythingElse 0


messageFoundAfterBundlesReload 0.009


messageWithBasenameAndLocale 0.02
nullKey 0.011
messageNotFound 0.01
messageWithSwissGermanVariantLocale 0.009
messageWithBasenameAndLocaleFallsBackToDefaultLocaleIfNotFound 0.01
messageFallsBackToClosestAvailableMessage 0.009
debugNewI18n 0.01
messageFallsBackToDefaultLanguage 0.009
messageWithFrenchLocale 0.008
givenBasenameFallbacksToDefautLegacy 0.011
debugNewI18nMissingTranslation 0.008
debugOldI18n 0.012
messageWithNullKeys 0.009
messageWithBasename 0.009
messageWithSwissGermanLocale 0.006
shouldPreferUserLocaleWithSecondaryKey 0.016
messageNotFoundWithBasename 0.01
messageAvailableOnlyInEnglishWithSystemFallbackLanguageSetAsEnglish 0.007
handleLegacyTranslationSanitation 0.011
messageWithBasenameAndLocaleFallsBackToGlobalBundleIfNotFound 0.009
messageFallsBackToDefautLocaleFromAVariantLocale 0.006
messageFallsBackToAvailableMessageFromVariantToCountry 0.007
messageWithNoKeys 0.008
isDebugReturnsFalseWhenI18nModuleProviderIsNotReady 0.02
messageWithGermanLocale 0.006


getAnnotationWorksOnClassImplementingInterface 0.002
getAnnotationWorksOnSubclass 0.001
getAnnotationWorksOnInterface 0
getAnnotationWorksOnClassDirectlyAnnotated 0


getGenericTypeOfReturnType 0.001
returnsObjectForWildcards 0
sanityChecks 0.001
returnsLowerBoundForExtends 0


resolveLocaleIsLenientWithLowercaseCountryCode 0
resolveLocaleReturnsLanguageLocale 0
resolveLocaleReturnsLanguageCountryLocale 0
resolveLocaleReturnsLanguageCountryVariantLocale 0
resolveLocaleReturnsDefaultLocale 0.001


invalidMessageWithDoubledSingleQuoteAfterChoice 0
invalidMessageWithSingleQuotes 0.001
validMessageWithDoubledSingleQuote 0

Failure Details

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

skipped: currently can't proxy enums because they're final. The use-case would be to provide 'typed' static messages; maybe we can have another api, e.g SimpleTranslator - see MAGNOLIA-5296
skipped: Currently makes no sense - un-ignore the day we find a real use-case
skipped: Not implemented yet - not sure we want this
skipped: Not implemented yet
skipped: Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
skipped: Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
skipped: skipped