Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
109 0 0 9 91.743% 1.333

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
info.magnolia.i18nsystem.setup 8 0 0 0 100% 0.054 1 0 0 1 0% 0
info.magnolia.i18nsystem.proxytoys 33 0 0 4 87.879% 0.084
info.magnolia.i18nsystem 51 0 0 4 92.157% 1.172
info.magnolia.i18nsystem.util 16 0 0 0 100% 0.023

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AbstractRemoveHardcodedI18nPropertiesTaskTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.044
RemoveHardcodedI18nPropertiesFromSubappsTaskTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.006
RemoveHardcodedI18nPropertiesFromDialogsTaskTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.004

Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
GenerateTranslationFilesImplTest 1 0 0 1 0% 0


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MethodsAnnotatedWithTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.004
ChildDecoratorTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.007
ReturnsAnnotatedTypeArgumentTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.001
ProxytoysI18nizerTest 18 0 0 4 77.778% 0.072


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
DefaultMessageBundlesLoaderReloadTest 3 0 0 1 66.667% 0.088
DefaultMessageBundlesLoaderTest 5 0 0 1 80% 0.022
TranslationServiceImplTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.901
AbstractI18nKeyGeneratorTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.139
SimpleTranslatorTest 8 0 0 2 75% 0.022


Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MessageFormatterUtilsTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.004
GenericsUtilsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.003
AnnotationUtilsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.014
LocaleUtilsTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.002

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


includesMethodOnSuperclass 0.004
doesNotIncludeOtherRandomMethod 0
includesMethodOnSelf 0
includesMethodOnInterface 0


makeSureMessagesAreAlsoRemovedWhenUnderlyingFileIsRemoved 0.073
whenEncounteringDuplicateKeyTheFirstValueIsUsed 0
Ignored until MAGNOLIA-6927 is fixed: potential issues related to OS
makeSureBundlesAreReloadedWhenResourcesChange 0.015


decorateList 0
decoratedListIsModifiable 0
decorateCollection 0
decorateMap 0.007


removeHardcodedI18nPropertiesUnderAppNode 0.043
leaveOtherPropertiesAlone 0.001


removeI18nPropertiesFromSubapps 0.004
removeHardcodedI18nPropertiesUnderAppNode 0.001
leaveOtherPropertiesAlone 0.001


removeI18nPropertiesFromDialogs 0.002
removeHardcodedI18nPropertiesUnderAppNode 0.001
leaveOtherPropertiesAlone 0.001


invalidMessageWithDoubledSingleQuoteAfterChoice 0.002
invalidMessageWithSingleQuotes 0
validMessageWithDoubledSingleQuote 0.002


testUTF8CharactersAreReadProperly 0.003
sanitiseHtmlContent 0.005
bundlesLoaderLoadsAllLocales 0.008
doesNotSanitiseFormattingRelatedHtmlContent 0.006
proveMessageFormatChoiceSyntaxIsBrokenByHtmlSanitation 0
Hopefully at some point we can change this test into "respectMessageFormatChoiceSyntax" :) - see LANG-42


getGenericTypeOfReturnType 0.001
returnsObjectForWildcards 0.001
sanityChecks 0
returnsLowerBoundForExtends 0.001


includesSimpleGetter 0
doesNotIncludeGetterWhereReturnTypeIsNotAnnotatedEvenIfMethodItselfIsAnnotated 0
includesMapOfAnnotatedTypeValues 0
includesInheritedMethods 0
includesListOfAnnotatedTypes 0.001
doesNotIncludeGetterWhereReturnTypeIsNotAnnotated 0
canNotIncludeMapOfAnnotatedTypeValues 0


decorateChildWithNullObjectDoesNotThrowException 0.001
decorateEnum 0
currently can't proxy enums because they're final. The use-case would be to provide 'typed' static messages; maybe we can have another api, e.g SimpleTranslator - see MAGNOLIA-5296
i18nizerCanProxyIfObjectAlreadyProxiedBySthgElse 0.011
decorateWithNullObjectDoesNotThrowException 0
testWithSingleChildObject 0.001
blowsIfObjectIsAlreadyProxiedByI18nizer 0.009
testWithDeeperChildren 0.008
testSimpleObject 0.002
i18nTextAnnotationOnNonStringType 0
Currently makes no sense - un-ignore the day we find a real use-case
canFormatMessagesForMethodsWithArguments 0
Not implemented yet - not sure we want this
decoratedMapShouldAllowToPutNewObjectsAndDecorateThem 0
Not implemented yet
decoratedObjectsCanBeClonedWithClonerLib 0.025
nullChildJustReturnsNull 0.001
testWithChildren 0.004
objectsClonedWithClonerLibCanBeDecorated 0.001
defaultValuesSetInConstructorDoNotOverrideValuesAfterProxying 0.006
testWithChildrenInMap 0.002
testWithExistingValuesBeforeDecoration 0.001


getAnnotationWorksOnClassImplementingInterface 0.012
getAnnotationWorksOnSubclass 0.001
getAnnotationWorksOnInterface 0
getAnnotationWorksOnClassDirectlyAnnotated 0.001


generateTranslationFilesAndEverythingElse 0


resolveLocaleIsLenientWithLowercaseCountryCode 0
resolveLocaleReturnsLanguageLocale 0.001
resolveLocaleReturnsLanguageCountryLocale 0
resolveLocaleReturnsLanguageCountryVariantLocale 0
resolveLocaleReturnsDefaultLocale 0.001


messageWithBasenameAndLocale 0.606
nullKey 0.011
messageNotFound 0.015
messageWithSwissGermanVariantLocale 0.01
messageWithBasenameAndLocaleFallsBackToDefaultLocaleIfNotFound 0.015
messageFallsBackToClosestAvailableMessage 0.011
debugNewI18n 0.01
messageFallsBackToDefaultLanguage 0.011
messageWithFrenchLocale 0.011
debugNewI18nMissingTranslation 0.013
debugOldI18n 0.018
messageWithNullKeys 0.01
messageWithBasename 0.01
messageWithSwissGermanLocale 0.014
shouldPreferUserLocaleWithSecondaryKey 0.01
messageNotFoundWithBasename 0.016
messageAvailableOnlyInEnglishWithSystemFallbackLanguageSetAsEnglish 0.01
handleLegacyTranslationSanitation 0.015
messageWithBasenameAndLocaleFallsBackToGlobalBundleIfNotFound 0.015
messageFallsBackToDefautLocaleFromAVariantLocale 0.009
messageFallsBackToAvailableMessageFromVariantToCountry 0.008
messageWithNoKeys 0.009
isDebugReturnsFalseWhenI18nModuleProviderIsNotReady 0.023
messageWithGermanLocale 0.012
givenBasenameFallbacksToDefaultLegacy 0.009


ancestorsFromList 0.118
getDifferentBundlenamesForEachChild 0.009
addKeyConsidersLabelAsAnOptionalSuffix 0.002
getNullBundlenameWhenNoneIsDefined 0.002
getRootBundlenameWhenNoOtherIsDefined 0.002
getIdOrNameForUnknownRoot 0.002
getRoot 0.001
ancestorsFromSimpleChain 0
getRootKeyGenerator 0.002
getAncestorKeyGenerators 0.001


keyWithPrintfFormat 0
Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
singleKey 0.008
extraTestForConditionsAndPlurals 0.005
keyWithPrintfFormatMultipleArgs 0
Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
testTranslateShouldNotFailOnInvalidI18nMessage 0.001
formatAccordingToLocale 0.008
keyWithMessageFormat 0
keyWithMessageFormatMultipleArgs 0

Failure Details

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

skipped: Ignored until MAGNOLIA-6927 is fixed: potential issues related to OS
skipped: Hopefully at some point we can change this test into "respectMessageFormatChoiceSyntax" :) - see LANG-42
skipped: currently can't proxy enums because they're final. The use-case would be to provide 'typed' static messages; maybe we can have another api, e.g SimpleTranslator - see MAGNOLIA-5296
skipped: Currently makes no sense - un-ignore the day we find a real use-case
skipped: Not implemented yet - not sure we want this
skipped: Not implemented yet
skipped: skipped
skipped: Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually
skipped: Ignored for now but I would like to support the printf format too eventually