Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkException   

Uses of LinkException in

Subclasses of LinkException in
 class UUIDLinkException
          Deprecated. since 4.0 use LinkException instead

Methods in that throw LinkException
static String LinkHelper.convertAbsolutePathToUUID(String path)
          Deprecated. use LinkFactory.parseLink(String).getUUID() instead
static UUIDLink LinkHelper.convertURIToUUIDLink(String uri)

Uses of LinkException in

Methods in that throw LinkException
static String LinkUtil.convertLinksFromUUIDPattern(String str)
static String LinkUtil.convertLinksFromUUIDPattern(String str, LinkTransformer transformer)
          Converts provided html with links in UUID pattern format to any other kind of links based on provided link transformer.
static String LinkUtil.convertUUIDtoHandle(String uuid, String repository)
          Transforms a uuid to a handle beginning with a /.
static String LinkUtil.convertUUIDtoURI(String uuid, String repository)
          Transforms a uuid to an uri.
static String LinkUtil.createAbsoluteLink(NodeData nodedata)
          Creates absolute link including context path for provided node data.
static String LinkUtil.createLink(NodeData nodedata)
          Creates link guessing best possible link format from current site and provided node data.
static Link LinkFactory.createLink(NodeData nodeData)
          Creates new link from the node data.
static Link LinkFactory.createLink(String repository, String uuid)
          Creates link to the content denoted by repository and uuid.
static Link LinkFactory.createLink(String repository, String path, String extension, String anchor, String parameters)
          Creates link to the content identified by the repository and path.
static Link LinkFactory.createLink(String uuid, String repository, String fallbackHandle, String nodeDataName, String extension, String anchor, String parameters)
          Creates link based on provided parameters.
static Link LinkFactory.parseLink(String link)
          Parses provided URI to the link.
static Link LinkFactory.parseUUIDLink(String uuidLink)
          Parses UUID link pattern string and converts it into a Link object.

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