Class Summary |
AddURIPermissionsToAllRoles |
Adds URI permissions to all roles. |
CheckAndUpdateExistingFilters |
Checks for modifications between current filter configuration and the 3.0 default configuration. |
CheckAndUpdateSecureURIs |
Checks for modifications between current secureURI configuration and the 3.0 default configuration. |
CheckAndUpdateUnsecureURIs |
Transforms unsecured URIs into bypasses of uriSecurity filter. |
GenericTasks |
This class just groups all tasks which are need to update to Magnolia 3.5,
in order to cleanup CoreModuleVersionHandler. |
IPConfigRulesUpdate |
Updates pre 3.5 IP configuration rules to the format used since 3.5. |
LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter |
Updates authentication type configuration. |
LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter |
Updates login form location. |
MigrateFilterConfiguration |
Updates location and configuration of filters. |
MoveMagnoliaUsersToRealmFolder |
A task which moves existing users to the /admin realm folder. |
ReconfigureCommands |
Updates command configuration to make them suitable for loading by c2b. |
RemoveModuleDescriptorDetailsFromRepo |
Cleanup module description. |
RenamedRenderersToTemplateRenderers |
Rename renderers to mach name used since 3.5. |
UpdateI18nConfiguration |
Updates pre 3.5 internationalization configuration to the format used since 3.5. |
UpdateURI2RepositoryMappings |
Updates format of URI2Repository mappings to format used since 3.5. |
UpdateURIMappings |
Updates virtualURIMappings to the format suitable for c2b. |
WarnIgnoredModuleFilters |
Checks if installed modules contain filter definitions and if so warns on installation with an appropriate message. |