Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractPropertyValueSearchDamMigrationTask

Uses of AbstractPropertyValueSearchDamMigrationTask in info.magnolia.dam.setup.migration

Subclasses of AbstractPropertyValueSearchDamMigrationTask in info.magnolia.dam.setup.migration
 class ChangeWebsiteDmsReferenceToDamMigrationTask
          This task is responsible for changing the old DMS/Data/...
 class MoveContentToDamMigrationTask
          This task copy uploaded documents stored in the content repository (for example website) into the DAM repository.
 class MoveFCKEditorContentToDamMigrationTask
          This task copy uploaded documents stored in the content repository into the DAM repository.
 class MoveFileContentToDamMigrationTask
          Move the uploaded content performed with a 4.5.x 'file' or 'dataFile' control.
Based on :
- a source workspace 'sourceWorkspace'
- a source sub path 'sourceSubPath'
- a fieldName (name of the resource node)
Search and iterate on all results:
- Create an Asset in the Dam workspace based on the data resource node
- Remove the resource from the Data workspace
- Create a property (same name as fieldName) containing the Dam compositeId.
 class MoveLinkToDamForFCKEditorContentMigrationTask
          Update FCK editor links from dms to dam.
 class MoveUploadedContentToDamMigrationTask
          Deprecated. since 5.1.1 use MoveContentToDamMigrationTask instead.

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