Uses of Interface

Packages that use ImageOperation

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations that implement ImageOperation
 class BufferedImageOpDelegate<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An implementation of ImageFilter which delegates to a java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp.
 class ImageOperationChain<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An implementation of ImageOperation and ImageGenerator which delegates to a list of other ImageOperation instances.

Methods in info.magnolia.imaging.operations that return types with arguments of type ImageOperation
 List<ImageOperation<P>> ImageOperationChain.getOperations()

Methods in info.magnolia.imaging.operations with parameters of type ImageOperation
 void ImageOperationChain.addOperation(ImageOperation<P> operation)

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.cropresize that implement ImageOperation
 class AbstractCropAndResize<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Subclasses of this determine which portion of the source image is taken into account, and what final dimensions the image needs to be resized to.
 class AutoCropAndResize
          A CropAndResize implementation which will resize to the configured targetWidth and targetHeight, and crop if needed: while respecting the ratio of the target dimensions, it will crop the image such that the largest possible portion of the image is kept.
 class BoundedResize
          A CropAndResize implementation which will never crop, and resize to either maxHeight or maxWidth while keeping the original image's ratio.
 class SelectedCropAndResize
          A CropAndResize implementation which uses coordinates as selected in a UI componenent.

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.load

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.load that implement ImageOperation
 class AbstractFromContent<PT>
          Superclass for ImageOperations loading from Content.
 class AbstractLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An abstract ImageOperation used to load images.
 class AbstractURLImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Loads images from a URL.
 class Blank<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Just generates an empty BufferedImage canvas, fills it with the specified color if any.
 class ClasspathImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          An ImageFilter which loads an image from the classpath.
 class FromContent
          ImageOperation loading from content.
 class FromNodeData
          ImageOperation loading from NodeData.
 class URLImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Loads an image off an arbitrary URL.

Uses of ImageOperation in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.text

Classes in info.magnolia.imaging.operations.text that implement ImageOperation
 class AbstractTextOverlay<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Superclass for ImageOperations based on Text Overlays.
 class FixedText<P extends ParameterProvider<?>>
          Overlay based on fixed text.
 class TextFromNode
          Overlay based on Text provided from a Node(Data).

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