Uses of Class

Packages that use AggregateFilter

Uses of AggregateFilter in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler

Methods in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler that return AggregateFilter
 AggregateFilter RSSFeedImportHandler.loadAggregateFilter(javax.jcr.Node aggregateNode)
          Load the AggregateFilter for the AggregateFeed which is represented by the given aggregateNode.

Methods in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler with parameters of type AggregateFilter
protected  javax.jcr.Node RSSFeedImportHandler.saveFeedChannel(FeedChannel feedChannel, AggregateFilter aggregateFilter, javax.jcr.Node dataNode)
          Save the entries contained in the given FeedChannel that pass the given AggregateFilter in the provided dataNode.

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