Uses of Class

Packages that use FeedChannel

Uses of FeedChannel in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler

Methods in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler that return FeedChannel
 FeedChannel feedChannelNode)
          Map a content node defining a feed channel to an actual FeedChannel.

Methods in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler that return types with arguments of type FeedChannel
 Set<FeedChannel> AggregateFeed.getChannels()
          Return the channels known to this aggregate.

Methods in info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler with parameters of type FeedChannel
 void AggregateFeed.addFeedChannel(FeedChannel feedChannel)
          Add a feed channel to this aggregate feed.
protected  com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed SimpleRSSFeedFetcher.fetchFeedChannel(FeedChannel channel)
          Fetch the given feed channel.
protected  javax.jcr.Node RSSFeedImportHandler.recreateFeedChannelNode(FeedChannel feedChannel, javax.jcr.Node dataNode)
          Recreate the feed channel content node the given feed channel in the Content Repository.
protected  javax.jcr.Node RSSFeedImportHandler.saveFeedChannel(FeedChannel feedChannel, AggregateFilter aggregateFilter, javax.jcr.Node dataNode)
          Save the entries contained in the given FeedChannel that pass the given AggregateFilter in the provided dataNode.

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