Package info.magnolia.imaging.operations.load

Interface Summary
ImageDecoder A simple abstraction to allow loading BufferedImages using other mechanisms than the default

Class Summary
AbstractFromContent<PT> Deprecated. since 5.0, use AbstractFromNode instead.
AbstractFromNode<PT> AbstractFromNode.
AbstractLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>> An abstract ImageOperation used to load images.
AbstractURLImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>> Loads images from a URL.
Blank<P extends ParameterProvider<?>> Just generates an empty BufferedImage canvas, fills it with the specified color if any.
ClasspathImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>> An ImageFilter which loads an image from the classpath.
DefaultImageIOImageDecoder Default implementation of an ImageDecoder.
FromBinaryNode ImageOperation loading from binary node of parent.
FromContent Deprecated. since 5.0, use FromBinaryNode instead.
FromNodeData Deprecated. since 5.0, use FromBinaryNode instead.
SunJPEGCodecImageDecoder Deprecated. will be removed in 3.2 and replaced with a new class (to be announced in 3.2 release notes and documentation).
SunJPEGCodecImageDecoderAlt Deprecated. will be removed in 3.2 and replaced with a new class (to be announced in 3.2 release notes and documentation).
URLImageLoader<P extends ParameterProvider<?>> Loads an image off an arbitrary URL.

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