Package info.magnolia.module.blossom.preexecution

Interface Summary
DirectRenderingVoter Voter that decides whether a ModelAndView is to be rendered directly and the rest of page rendering skipped or if it should be put aside and rendered into the page where the paragraph that provided the ModelAndView resides.

Class Summary
BlossomFilter Filter that detects pre-execution requests, sets up a context and passes the request into Magnolia for paragraph rendering.
BlossomHandlerMapping Detects pre-execution requests and decorates handlers in order to either grab the returned ModelAndView or render one that was previously returned and now should be rendered.
DefaultDirectRenderingVoter Default implementation of DirectRenderingVoter that considers only redirects to be eligible for direct rendering.
ModelAndViewGrabbingController Wraps a controller that is being pre-executed and stores its resulting ModelAndView internally.
ModelAndViewReuseController Controller that returns a ModelAndView from a previously pre-executed controller.
PreexecutionContext Holds state during pre-execution.
PreexecutionContextHolder Internal helper class for storing the pre-execution context.

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