Package info.magnolia.module.blossom.annotation

Enum Summary
AreaType Enumeration of area types.
ComponentInheritanceMode Enumeration for modes of inheriting components.
PropertyInheritanceMode Enumeration for modes of inheriting properties.
TernaryBoolean Enumeration used for representing a ternary boolean value, true, false or unspecified.

Annotation Types Summary
Area Used on a Spring Web MVC controller that is a nested class (public static class) within another controller that is either annotated with @Template or in the case of an area within an area annotated with @Area.
AutoGenerator Declares a method to be called when an area is rendered to perform automatic generation of content.
Available Declares a method as being responsible for deciding if a template can be used on a specific page.
AvailableComponentClasses Annotation used to set the available components in an area either by specifying the component class directly or by specifying a component category annotation, in which case all components have that category annotation will be available.
AvailableComponents Annotation used to set the available components in an area by their id.
ComponentCategory Denotes an annotation as a component category annotation.
DialogFactory Declares a class or a method to be used for creating a dialog.
I18nBasename Used to specify the base id if the resource bundle to use.
Inherits Annotation used to configure how an area inherits from parent pages.
PreRegister Declares a method to be called prior to registration of a template, area or dialog.
TabFactory Used on methods in classes annotated with Template or DialogFactory.
TabOrder Used in combination with Template and DialogFactory to set the order that tabs should appear in the dialog.
Template Used on a Spring Web MVC controller to expose it as a template.
TemplateDescription Sets the description of a template.
VirtualURIMapper Used on a type to have all its methods that can be used as VirtualURIMappings exposed to Magnolia.

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