
This package bundles all commands used in the data module.


Class Summary
BaseDataAllCommand Abstract base for commands executing operations on all the nodes in data workspace.
DataActivateAllCommand This command will activate all data items of an specified type.
DataDeactivateAllCommand This command will deactivate all data items of an specified type.
DataDeleteAllCommand This command will delete all data items of an specified type.
ImportCommand This command starts the specified importer.
TypeActivateCommand Activation command that will activate tree and dialog related to given type.
TypeDeleteCommand This class will delete a type and the corresponding menue entry.

Package Description

This package bundles all commands used in the data module. The most of the commands handles known actions but for a specified set of items at once. The ImportCommand will start the specified importer. The TypeDeleteCommand also deletes the sub menus and requires that no data items of the type are available.

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