Class MgnlGroovyNode

  extended by info.magnolia.cms.core.ContentHandler
      extended by info.magnolia.cms.core.AbstractContent
          extended by info.magnolia.cms.util.ContentWrapper
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
info.magnolia.cms.core.Content, Cloneable

public class MgnlGroovyNode
extends info.magnolia.cms.util.ContentWrapper

A special groovish implementation of Magnolia's ContentWrapper. This makes it possible, for example, navigating the nodes in a Magnolia repository with a . (dot) notation and access their properties with . or .@ notation much like it happens when using the result of parsing an xml with groovy's groovy.util.XmlSlurper.XmlSlurper. For example, here is how, in a groovy script, one could navigate to and print the node data named abstract:

 hm = ctx.getHierarchyManager('website')
 node = hm.getContent(hm, '/demo-project')
 println node.about.history.abstract
The above example can also be made more groovy-like by using the @ notation to access the attribute
As node is also a Content, you can call any of its methods. E.g.
 println node.metaData.template
 println node.about.children.title
 println node.about.parent (this can return null)
IMPORTANT: The .children shortcut, unlikely Content.getChildren(), always returns ItemType.CONTENTs AND ItemType.CONTENTNODEs . If you only need either type, then call directly one of the Content.getChildren() methods on the parent node.

If you want to look at the attributes or data for a certain node you can simply call
 println node.about.nodeData
It is also possible to assign values to node data or create new ones. E.g. = 3.14d
 node.coo = true = 'some text'
 node.doo = 100
will assign the values on the right hand side to the node data on left hand side. Should those not exist, they will be automatically created. Furthermore, the correct type will be detected based on the value assigned (i.e. Boolean, String, Long or Double).

IMPORTANT: All the above assignments will be in-memory only unless explicitly persisted via a call to save() on a parent node.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface info.magnolia.cms.core.Content
Field Summary
protected static org.slf4j.Logger log
Constructor Summary
MgnlGroovyNode(info.magnolia.cms.core.Content content)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 Object get(String key)
          Provides lookup of elements by non-namespaced name.
 List<info.magnolia.cms.core.Content> getAt(groovy.xml.QName name)
          Deprecated. This method is wrong and luckily unused by this module. Use getByName(String) instead.
protected  info.magnolia.cms.core.Content getByName(String name)
          Provides lookup of elements by name.
protected  Object getNodeDataValue(String attributeName)
          Returns the value for the given attribute (nodeData).
 int hashCode()
 Iterator<info.magnolia.cms.core.Content> iterator()
 String name()
protected static void setMetaClass(groovy.lang.MetaClass metaClass, Class nodeClass)
 String toString()
protected  info.magnolia.cms.core.Content wrap(info.magnolia.cms.core.Content node)
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.cms.util.ContentWrapper
addMixin, addVersion, addVersion, createContent, delete, deleteNodeData, getAllVersions, getAncestor, getAncestors, getBaseVersion, getChildByName, getChildren, getContent, getHandle, getHierarchyManager, getIndex, getItemType, getJCRNode, getLevel, getLock, getMetaData, getMixinNodeTypes, getName, getNodeDataCollection, getNodeType, getNodeTypeName, getParent, getTemplate, getTitle, getUUID, getVersionedContent, getVersionedContent, getVersionHistory, getWorkspace, getWrappedContent, hasContent, hasMetaData, hasMixin, holdsLock, isGranted, isLocked, isModified, isNodeData, isNodeType, lock, lock, newNodeDataInstance, orderBefore, refresh, removeMixin, removeVersionHistory, restore, restore, restore, restoreByLabel, save, setWrappedContent, unlock, updateMetaData, wrap, wrapContentNodes, wrapNodeDatas
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.cms.core.AbstractContent
createContent, createContent, createNodeData, createNodeData, createNodeData, createNodeData, createNodeData, delete, getBinaryNodeDatas, getChildren, getChildren, getChildren, getChildren, getChildren, getChildren, getNodeData, getNodeDataCollection, hasChildren, hasChildren, hasNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData, setNodeData
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.cms.core.ContentHandler
clone, getAccessManager, setAccessManager
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface info.magnolia.cms.core.Content

Field Detail


protected static final org.slf4j.Logger log
Constructor Detail


public MgnlGroovyNode(info.magnolia.cms.core.Content content)
Method Detail


protected static void setMetaClass(groovy.lang.MetaClass metaClass,
                                   Class nodeClass)


public Iterator<info.magnolia.cms.core.Content> iterator()


public String name()


public Object get(String key)
Provides lookup of elements by non-namespaced name.

key - the name (or shortcut key) of the node(s) of interest
the nodes which match key


protected info.magnolia.cms.core.Content wrap(info.magnolia.cms.core.Content node)
wrap in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ContentWrapper


protected Object getNodeDataValue(String attributeName)
Returns the value for the given attribute (nodeData). The Java types returned vary according to the underlying PropertyType.


public List<info.magnolia.cms.core.Content> getAt(groovy.xml.QName name)
Deprecated. This method is wrong and luckily unused by this module. Use getByName(String) instead.

Provides lookup of elements by QName.

name - the QName of interest
the nodes matching name


protected info.magnolia.cms.core.Content getByName(String name)
Provides lookup of elements by name.

name - the name of interest
the nodes matching name


public String toString()
toString in class info.magnolia.cms.util.ContentWrapper


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object

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