Package info.magnolia.imaging.parameters

Class Summary
AbstractWorkspaceAndPathParameterProviderFactory<PT> Superclass for ParameterProviderFactories that are based on Workspace and Path.
AggregationStateParameterProvider A ParameterProvider which provides the AggregationState as a parameter; TODO -currently not used nor having a corresponding ParameterProviderFactory.
ContentParameterProvider ParameterProvider for Content.
ContentParameterProviderFactory This is a ParameterProviderFactory which determines the workspace and node to use based on the request uri.
NodeDataParameterProvider ParameterProvider for NodeData's.
NodeDataParameterProviderFactory Factory for NodeDataParameterProviders.
SimpleEqualityContentWrapper A ContentWrapper which simply defines equals() and hashCode() methods based on the node's path and HierarchyManager name.
SimpleEqualityNodeDataWrapper A NodeDataWrapper which simply defines equals() and hashCode() methods based on the property's path and HierarchyManager name.

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