Package info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler

Interface Summary
RSSFeedFetcher Strategy interface for fetching feeds for channels of provided aggregates.

Class Summary
AggregateFeed A named set of feed channels.
AggregateFeedContentMapper Maps a content node defining an aggregate feed to an actual AggregateFeed with its feed channels.
AggregateFilter A set of filter predicates defined for an AggregateFeed.
FastRSSFeedFetcher A multithreaded RSSFeedFetcher for feed retrieval over http that follows redirects and supports conditional gets.
FeedChannel A named feed channel that typically belongs to an AggregateFeed.
FeedChannelContentMapper Maps a content node defining a feed channel to an actual FeedChannel.
FilterPredicate A filter predicate that can be applied to a feed entry.
FilterPredicateContentMapper Maps a content node representing a FilterPredicate to a FilterPredicate.
MgnlHttpURLFeedFetcher Deprecated. once is solved and released, this class will be removed.
PlanetFilter Filters entries based on the criteria specified in the RSS Aggregator dialog.
RSSFeedImportHandler ImportHandler capable of importing RSS and Atom feeds over http for aggregate feeds defined in RSS Aggregator module.
SimpleRSSFeedFetcher A simple single threaded RSSFeedFetcher for feed retrieval http that follows redirects and supports conditional gets.

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