Class FilterPredicate

  extended by info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler.FilterPredicate

public class FilterPredicate
extends Object

A filter predicate that can be applied to a feed entry.

A filter predicate typically belongs to a AggregateFilter which in turn is defined for an AggregateFeed.

Rob van der Linden Vooren
See Also:
AggregateFilter, SyndFeed, AggregateFeed

Constructor Summary
FilterPredicate(info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler.FilterPredicate.Condition condition, String property, String regularExpression)
          Create a new FilterPredicate for the given condition, property and regularExpression.
Method Summary
 info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler.FilterPredicate.Condition getCondition()
          Return the condition for this predicate.
 String getProperty()
          Return the property of the feed this predicate applies to.
 String getRegularExpression()
          Return the regular expression for this predicate.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FilterPredicate(info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler.FilterPredicate.Condition condition,
                       String property,
                       String regularExpression)
Create a new FilterPredicate for the given condition, property and regularExpression.

condition - the condition for this predicate
property - the property of the feed this predicate applies to (eg. 'author')
regularExpression - the regular expression the value of the property should or should not match
Method Detail


public info.magnolia.module.rssaggregator.importhandler.FilterPredicate.Condition getCondition()
Return the condition for this predicate.

the condition for this predicate


public String getProperty()
Return the property of the feed this predicate applies to.

the property of the feed this predicate applies to


public String getRegularExpression()
Return the regular expression for this predicate.

the regular expression for this predicate

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