Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageModel

Uses of ImageModel in info.magnolia.module.templatingkit.templates.components

Subclasses of ImageModel in info.magnolia.module.templatingkit.templates.components
 class AbstractTeaserModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Abstract Teaser STK Rendable definition.
 class DownloadTeaserModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Teaser STK Rendable definition allowing to download an Asset.
 class ExternalTeaserModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Teaser STK Rendable definition allowing to link teaser with external content.
 class FooterImageModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Footer STK Renderable definition.
 class InternalTeaserModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Teaser STK Rendable definition allowing to link teaser with internal content.
 class StageTeaserModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Teaser STK Rendable definition allowing to display a Stage teaser.
 class TabbedTeaserModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Teaser STK Rendable definition allowing to display a Table teaser.
 class TextImageModel<RD extends TemplateDefinition>
          Text Image STK Renderable definition.

Uses of ImageModel in info.magnolia.module.templatingkit.templates.pages

Methods in info.magnolia.module.templatingkit.templates.pages that return ImageModel
 ImageModel<?> STKPageModel.getImageModel()
          FIXME: Should be moved to into-area model.

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