Package info.magnolia.module.templatingkit.setup

Class Summary
FixAggregatedJavascriptsTask Task that fixes aggregated javascript bug introduced in MGNLSTK-818.
InstallSTKResourcesTask This class installs all resources (mainly JS) needed for STK.
MoveIntenseDebateIdTask A task to move the intenseDebateId which is may be used on the stkComments-component.
When the task has been executed successfully, intenseDebateId will be a property of a node with the path /modules/standard-templating-kit/templates/components/features/stkComments/parameters; that node will be created if required.
If path /modules/standard-templating-kit/templates/components/features/stkComments doesn't exist, this indicates considerably customized templates and hence configuration will not be changed.
MoveMenuItemTask Moves menu item and modifies the icon.
RemoveETKParagraphs Remove ETK Paragraphs Task.
STKLegacyUiToMagnolia5AppProviderTask Wraps the old STK UI as a Magnolia5 App.
STKModuleVersionHandler STK Module VersionHandler.
ThemeInstallTask Installs all css files under /templating-kit/themes/themeName/css to the resources and the images under /templating-kit/themes/themeName/img to the dms while themeName is a property in the module descriptor.
ThemeVersionHandler Executes the theme install task on installation and updates.

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