Package info.magnolia.cms.util

Interface Summary
ClasspathResourcesUtil.Filter Filter for filtering the resources.
FactoryUtil.InstanceFactory Deprecated. since 4.3 - use ComponentFactory
PatternDelegate A simple generic interface that can be used to configure anything that can be selected based on some conditions (i.e.
UrlPattern Pattern interface, used to match URLs.

Class Summary
AbstractContentComparator Deprecated. since 4.2 - now irrelevant since using generics, implement Comparator instead of extending this.
AlertUtil Stores a message in the request.
ClasspathResourcesUtil Util to find resources in the classpath (WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes).
ClassUtil Deprecated. since 4.3 - see specific methods for replacements.
ConfigUtil Util used to process config files.
ConfigUtil.MapDTDEntityResolver EntityResolver using a Map to resources
ContentUtil Some easy to use methods to handle with Content objects.
ContentWrapper A base class to implement content wrappers.
CreationDateComparator Compares the creation date of 2 nodes.
DelayedExecutor There are many places where we like to delay an execution (in case of a serie of fired events).
DeprecationUtil A silly utility class to help marking stuff as deprecated even if they're not used directly (taglib attributes for instance).
DumperUtil Used to dump 1:1 repository content.
ExtendingContentWrapper This wrapper allows extending other nodes (mainly useful to extend configurations).
FactoryUtil Deprecated. since 4.3 - use Components.getComponentProvider()
FactoryUtil.ObservedObjectFactory Deprecated. since 4.3 - use ObservedComponentFactory
InheritanceContentWrapper This wrapper inherits content from the parent hierarchy.
LinkUtil Deprecated. use LinkUtil instead
NodeDataStringComparator Compares 2 nodes property of type String.
NodeMapWrapper Wrapper for a content Node which exposes a Map interface, used to access its content using jstl.
NodeNameComparator Compares 2 nodes by their name.
ObservationUtil.ListBasedEventIterator List based event iterator.
ObservationUtil.ObservationBasedDelayedExecutor Deferred event handling.
OrderedProperties Subclass of java.util.Properties which keeps the order in which properties were loaded, by delegating to a LinkedHashMap.
PathUtil Utility class used to handle paths for documents in DMS.
QueryUtil Util to execute queries as simple as possible.
RequestFormUtil Deprecated. since 4.0 - should not be needed anymore since MAGNOLIA-2449 - request parameters should be correctly wrapped.
Rule This class defines the rules to be used by the activation content aggregator this is simply a collection of node types
SiblingsHelper A utility class to navigate amongst the siblings of a given node.
SimpleUrlPattern An implementation of URLPattern which matches strings using simple * or ? wildcards.
StringLengthComparator A simple comparator that compares to String lengths.
SystemContentWrapper Refetches
UnicodeNormalizer A wrapper around java.text.Normalizer and; uses the former if present, or none if none is present.
UnicodeNormalizer.Java6ReflectionNormalizer This uses reflection, since we're still compiling with Java 5.
UrlPattern.MatchAllPattern A default implementation with matches any input.
UrlPatternDelegate An implementation of PatternDelegate that evaluates as condition a request uri patter or a hostname pattern.
WebXmlUtil Contains utility methods to register or check for the existence of elements in web.xml.
WorkspaceAccessUtil This class replaces SessionStore and provide generic methods to create magnolia specific JCR-workspace access objects:
WorkspaceXmlUtil Contains utility methods to check workspace.xml.

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