Package info.magnolia.context

Interface Summary
Context This interface defines all the methods which should be implemented by any configured magnolia context, implementing class should never be accessible directly but only via MgnlContext static methods which work on a local (Thread) copy of the implementation
MgnlContext.Op<T,E extends Throwable> A simple execution interface to be used with the doInSystemContext method.
MgnlContext.SystemContextOperation Deprecated. since 4.2 - use the Op interface, which can return values, or extend VoidOp.
SystemContext This context is a systemwide context with full access.
ThreadDependentSystemContext Some implementations of the system context release resources when a thread is not used anymore.
WebContext Context interface specialized for servlet requests; knows about HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse.

Class Summary
AbstractContext Default implementation of the Context interface
AbstractMapBasedContext This is a simple Map based implementation.
AbstractSystemContext This is the system context using the not secured HierarchyManagers.
ContextDecorator Subclass this context if you like to decorate an other context
DefaultRepositoryStrategy Uses a user based access manager.
JCRSessionPerThreadSystemContext A system context which creates jcrs sessions per thread (request).
LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil Returns HierarchyManagers which use a life time session.
MgnlContext This class enables to get the current Request without passing the request around the world.
MgnlContext.VoidOp An Op that does not return values and can only throw RuntimeExceptions.
RequestAttributeStrategy An AttributeStrategy which delegates to the given WebContext's request.
SimpleContext Simple context delegating methods to the thread local context.
SingleJCRSessionSystemContext All Threads share the same jcr sessions.
SystemRepositoryStrategy Uses a single full access AccessManager.

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