Interface ErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractErrorHandler, StrictErrorHandler, TaskLogErrorHandler

public interface ErrorHandler

ErrorHandler implementation can decide what to do with certain conditions; specifically, they'll usually log or throw exceptions. They can only throw NodeOperationException (or other RuntimeExceptions, obviously), which the client code is expected to handle.

$Revision: $ ($Author: $)

Method Summary
 void handle(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e, Content context)
          The operation calling this method isn't expected to do anything here; The ErrorHandler implementation will attempt to build a fully formed message, then decide what to do with it (log, throw a NodeOperationException, ...)
 void report(java.lang.String message)
          The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue.

Method Detail


void report(java.lang.String message)
            throws NodeOperationException
The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue. The ErrorHandler implementation will decide what to do with it (log, throw a NodeOperationException, ...)



void handle(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e,
            Content context)
            throws NodeOperationException
The operation calling this method isn't expected to do anything here; The ErrorHandler implementation will attempt to build a fully formed message, then decide what to do with it (log, throw a NodeOperationException, ...)


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