Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemType

Uses of ItemType in info.magnolia.cms.core

Fields in info.magnolia.cms.core declared as ItemType
static ItemType ItemType.CONTENT
static ItemType ItemType.CONTENTNODE
static ItemType ItemType.EXPRESSION
static ItemType ItemType.FOLDER
static ItemType ItemType.GROUP
static ItemType ItemType.JCR_CONTENT
static ItemType ItemType.ROLE
static ItemType ItemType.SYSTEM
static ItemType ItemType.USER
static ItemType ItemType.WORKITEM

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core that return ItemType
 ItemType DefaultContent.getItemType()
 ItemType Content.getItemType()
          Get the magnolia ItemType.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core with parameters of type ItemType
 Content Content.createContent(java.lang.String name, ItemType contentType)
          Creates a Content node under the current node with the specified name.
 Content AbstractContent.createContent(java.lang.String name, ItemType contentType)
 java.util.Collection<Content> Content.getChildren(ItemType contentType)
          Get collection of specified content type.
 java.util.Collection<Content> AbstractContent.getChildren(ItemType itemType)
          Get collection of specified content type.
 Content HierarchyManager.getContent(java.lang.String path, boolean create, ItemType type)
 Content DefaultHierarchyManager.getContent(java.lang.String path, boolean create, ItemType type)
          Like getContent() but creates the node if not yet existing.
 boolean HierarchyManager.isNodeType(java.lang.String path, ItemType type)
          Deprecated. since 4.0 - use getContent().isNodeType() instead. (not used currently)
 boolean DefaultHierarchyManager.isNodeType(java.lang.String path, ItemType type)
          Deprecated. since 4.0 - use getContent().isNodeType() instead. (not used currently)

Uses of ItemType in info.magnolia.cms.core.version

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.core.version with parameters of type ItemType
 Content ContentVersion.createContent(java.lang.String name, ItemType contentType)
          Throws an AccessDeniedException as versions are read only.
 java.util.Collection<Content> ContentVersion.getChildren(ItemType contentType)
          Get collection of specified content type.

Uses of ItemType in info.magnolia.cms.util

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util that return ItemType
 ItemType ContentWrapper.getItemType()

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.util with parameters of type ItemType
static void ContentUtil.changeNodeType(Content node, ItemType newType, boolean replaceAll)
          Utility method to change the jcr:primaryType value of a node.
static SiblingsHelper SiblingsHelper.childrenOf(Content parent, ItemType childType)
          Instantiates a SiblingsHelper representing the children of the given node, where the current node is the first child of given type.
static java.util.List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, ItemType type)
          Get all children of a particular type.
static java.util.List<Content> ContentUtil.collectAllChildren(Content node, ItemType[] types)
          Get all children of a particular type.
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(Content parent, java.lang.String path, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(Content parent, java.lang.String path, ItemType type, boolean save)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(HierarchyManager hm, java.lang.String path, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.createPath(HierarchyManager hm, java.lang.String path, ItemType type, boolean save)
 Content HierarchyManagerWrapper.getContent(java.lang.String path, boolean create, ItemType type)
static Content ContentUtil.getOrCreateContent(Content node, java.lang.String name, ItemType contentType)
          If the node doesn't exist just create it.
static Content ContentUtil.getOrCreateContent(Content node, java.lang.String name, ItemType contentType, boolean save)
          If the node doesn't exist just create it.
 boolean HierarchyManagerWrapper.isNodeType(java.lang.String path, ItemType type)
          Deprecated. since 4.0 - use getContent().isNodeType() instead. (not used currently)

Constructors in info.magnolia.cms.util with parameters of type ItemType
NodeTypeFilter(ItemType type)

Uses of ItemType in info.magnolia.content2bean

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean that return ItemType
 ItemType Bean2ContentTransformer.finishContent(TransformationState state)
          Called after the node data and child content is set.
 ItemType TypeDescriptor.getItemType()
 ItemType Bean2ContentTransformer.prepareContent(TransformationState state)
          Set mixin types or similar.
 ItemType Bean2ContentTransformer.resolveItemType(TransformationState state)
          The item type of the node.
 ItemType Bean2ContentTransformer.resolveName(TransformationState state)
          The content name to use.

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean with parameters of type ItemType
 void TypeDescriptor.setItemType(ItemType itemType)

Uses of ItemType in info.magnolia.logging

Methods in info.magnolia.logging with parameters of type ItemType
static void AuditLoggingUtil.log(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String workspaceName, ItemType nodeType, java.lang.String nodePath)
          log create, modify, activate, deactivate, delete incl.

Uses of ItemType in

Constructors in with parameters of type ItemType
ChangeNodeTypeTask(java.lang.String nodePath, java.lang.String workspace, ItemType newType)

Uses of ItemType in info.magnolia.nodebuilder

Methods in info.magnolia.nodebuilder with parameters of type ItemType
static NodeOperation Ops.addNode(java.lang.String name, ItemType type)
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(ItemType type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node of a certain type.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(ItemType type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching a certain type.

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