Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypeMapping

Uses of TypeMapping in info.magnolia.content2bean

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean that return TypeMapping
static TypeMapping TypeMapping.Factory.getDefaultMapping()
 TypeMapping Content2BeanTransformer.getTypeMapping()
          The mapping to use.
static TypeMapping Content2BeanUtil.getTypeMapping()
          Get the current mapping.

Uses of TypeMapping in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl

Classes in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl that implement TypeMapping
 class DescriptorFileBasedTypeMapping
          Type Mapper implementation resolving the mapping from file based descriptors.
 class PropertiesBasedTypeMapping
          Type mapper implementation resolving its mapping from the properties file.
 class TypeMappingImpl
          Basic type mapping implementation.

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl that return TypeMapping
 TypeMapping Content2BeanTransformerImpl.getTypeMapping()
          Returns the default mapping.

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