Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebContext

Uses of WebContext in info.magnolia.context

Classes in info.magnolia.context that implement WebContext
 class WebContextImpl
          Context implementation keeping track of the current request, response, servletContext and pageContext.

Methods in info.magnolia.context that return WebContext
 WebContext ContextFactory.createWebContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
static WebContext MgnlContext.getWebContext()
          Throws an IllegalStateException if the current context is not set, or if it is not an instance of WebContext.
static WebContext MgnlContext.getWebContext(java.lang.String exceptionMessage)
          Throws an IllegalStateException if the current context is not set, or if it is not an instance of WebContext.
static WebContext MgnlContext.getWebContextOrNull()
          Returns the current context if it is set and is an instance of WebContext, returns null otherwise.

Constructors in info.magnolia.context with parameters of type WebContext
RequestAttributeStrategy(WebContext ctx)

Uses of WebContext in info.magnolia.freemarker

Methods in info.magnolia.freemarker with parameters of type WebContext
protected  void FreemarkerHelper.addTaglibSupportData(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> data, WebContext webCtx)

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