Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeOperation

Uses of NodeOperation in info.magnolia.nodebuilder

Classes in info.magnolia.nodebuilder that implement NodeOperation
 class RecursiveOp
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching the filter.

Methods in info.magnolia.nodebuilder that return NodeOperation
static NodeOperation Ops.addNode(java.lang.String name)
static NodeOperation Ops.addNode(java.lang.String name, ItemType type)
static NodeOperation Ops.addNode(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
static NodeOperation Ops.addProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Adds a currently non-existing property.
static NodeOperation Ops.copyNode(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String dest)
          Copies the node defined by the name parameter in the session.
static NodeOperation Ops.getNode(java.lang.String name)
static NodeOperation Ops.moveNode(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String dest)
          Moves the node defined by the name parameter in the session.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(Content.ContentFilter filter, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node matching the filter.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(ItemType type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node of a certain type.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node excluding meta data and jcr base node.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(java.lang.String type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node of a certain type.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(Content.ContentFilter filter, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(ItemType type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching a certain type.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes excluding meta data and jcr base nodes.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(java.lang.String type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching a certain type.
static NodeOperation Ops.remove(java.lang.String name)
          Can remove either a node or property.
static NodeOperation Ops.renameNode(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String newName)
          Renames the node defined by the name parameter.
static NodeOperation Ops.renameProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String newName)
          Renames a property by creating a new one and copying the value.
static NodeOperation Ops.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Sets the value of an existing property, ignoring its current value.
static NodeOperation Ops.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object expectedCurrentValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Sets the value of an existing property, only if the actual current value matches the given expected current value.
 NodeOperation NodeOperation.then(NodeOperation... childrenOps)

Methods in info.magnolia.nodebuilder with parameters of type NodeOperation
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(Content.ContentFilter filter, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node matching the filter.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(ItemType type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node of a certain type.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node excluding meta data and jcr base node.
static NodeOperation Ops.onChildNodes(java.lang.String type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Executes the operation for each child node of a certain type.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(Content.ContentFilter filter, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(ItemType type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching a certain type.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes excluding meta data and jcr base nodes.
static NodeOperation RecursiveOp.recursive(java.lang.String type, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching a certain type.
 NodeOperation NodeOperation.then(NodeOperation... childrenOps)

Constructors in info.magnolia.nodebuilder with parameters of type NodeOperation
NodeBuilder(Content root, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
NodeBuilder(ErrorHandler errorHandler, Content root, NodeOperation... childrenOps)
RecursiveOp(Content.ContentFilter filter, NodeOperation[] childrenOps)
          Visits the hierarchy recursively and executes the operations on all nodes matching the filter.

Uses of NodeOperation in info.magnolia.nodebuilder.task

Constructors in info.magnolia.nodebuilder.task with parameters of type NodeOperation
AbstractNodeBuilderTask(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, ErrorHandling errorHandling, NodeOperation... operations)
ModuleNodeBuilderTask(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, ErrorHandling errorHandling, NodeOperation... operations)
NodeBuilderTask(java.lang.String taskName, java.lang.String description, ErrorHandling errorHandling, java.lang.String workspaceName, NodeOperation... operations)
NodeBuilderTask(java.lang.String taskName, java.lang.String description, ErrorHandling errorHandling, java.lang.String workspaceName, java.lang.String rootPath, NodeOperation... operations)

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