
JAAS and Client callbacks


Interface Summary
ClientCallback Deprecated. since 4.0 - this was never used
HttpClientCallback Implementations are responsible for prompting the user for his credentials.

Class Summary
AbstractHttpClientCallback A base class for HttpClientCallback implementations, providing a default set of configurable filters to accept the request.
Base64CallbackHandler Base 64 callback handler supporting Basic authentication.
BasicClientCallback Sends HTTP basic authentication headers.
CompositeCallback Deprecated. since 4.5 - not needed anymore.
CredentialsCallbackHandler A JAAS CallbackHandler using plain text passwords.
FormClientCallback Renders a login form using Freemarker and the template configured with FormClientCallback.loginForm.
PlainTextCallbackHandler Plain text callback handler supporting Form based authentication.
RealmCallback Deprecated.  
RedirectClientCallback An HttpClientCallback implementation which redirects to a configured path or URL.
UserCallback Used to transport the created User object back.

Package Description

JAAS and Client callbacks

This package contains implementation of the JAAS and Client callbacks - ClientCallback -

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