
Class Summary
AbstractPropertySource Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for implementation based on an instance of Properties.
AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for loading AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource.ConstructingProperties from a given InputStream.
AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource.ConstructingProperties A subclass of Properties which populates itself with a given InputStream.
ClasspathPropertySource Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the classpath from a given path.
FileSystemPropertySource Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the file system from a given path.
InitPathsPropertySource A PropertySource providing the paths of MagnoliaInitPaths as properties: , , , and .
ModulePropertiesSource A PropertySource exposing properties from all known module descriptors.
ServletContextPropertySource Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded with the ServletContext from a given path.
SystemPropertySource A PropertySource exposing all System.props properties.

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