Package info.magnolia.objectfactory.configuration

Interface Summary
ComponentConfigurer Component configurers are called to customize the ComponentProviderConfiguration before its used to create a ComponentProvider.

Class Summary
ComponentConfiguration<T> Represents a configuration of a component for a specific type.
ComponentConfigurationReader Reads components defined in xml.
ComponentProviderConfiguration Configuration used to create component providers.
ComponentProviderConfigurationBuilder Builder for creating ComponentProviderConfigurations from component definitions.
ConfiguredComponentConfiguration<T> Configuration for a components which is configured in a workspace.
ImplementationConfiguration<T> A simple mapping from type to implementation.
InstanceConfiguration<T> A configuration providing a concrete instance or a factory of type ComponentFactory or Provider.
LegacyComponentsConfigurer This ComponentConfigurer configures components from properties.
ProviderConfiguration<T> Configuration for a provider that acts as a factory, supported types are ComponentFactory and Provider.

Exception Summary
ComponentConfigurationException Exception thrown when parsing components configuration fails.

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