Uses of Class

Packages that use RepositoryBackedSecurityManager   

Uses of RepositoryBackedSecurityManager in

Subclasses of RepositoryBackedSecurityManager in
 class HierarchicalUserManager
          A variation of a MgnlUserManager which stores users hierarchically using the following structure: /<realm>/<first letter of user name>/<first two letters of user name>.
 class MgnlGroupManager
          Group manager working directly with JCR API and returning simple groups (no JCR node aware).
 class MgnlRoleManager
          Manages the users stored in the RepositoryConstants.USER_ROLES workspace.
 class MgnlUserManager
          Manages the users stored in Magnolia itself.
protected  class RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUserManager
          TODO: extract as top level class? Currently this class is tested implicitly by RescueSecuritySupportTest.
 class SystemUserManager
          Responsible to handle system users like anonymous and superuser.

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