Uses of Interface

Packages that use PropertySource

Uses of PropertySource in info.magnolia.init

Subinterfaces of PropertySource in info.magnolia.init
 interface MagnoliaConfigurationProperties
          MagnoliaConfigurationProperties instances are providing access to system-wide configuration properties.

Classes in info.magnolia.init that implement PropertySource
 class AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
          Abstract implementation, providing the basic behavior expected from a MagnoliaConfigurationProperties implementation.
 class DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties
          This implementation of MagnoliaConfigurationProperties sets up the following list of PropertySource: InitPathsPropertySource / (list of default core components - TODO : this might move to core's module descriptor ModulePropertiesSource (all properties exposed my modules) Sources provided by MagnoliaPropertiesResolver SystemPropertySource This class along with DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver provide a replacement for PropertiesInitializer since 4.5.

Fields in info.magnolia.init with type parameters of type PropertySource
protected  List<PropertySource> AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties.sources

Methods in info.magnolia.init that return PropertySource
 PropertySource MagnoliaConfigurationProperties.getPropertySource(String key)
 PropertySource AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties.getPropertySource(String key)

Methods in info.magnolia.init that return types with arguments of type PropertySource
 List<PropertySource> MagnoliaPropertiesResolver.getSources()
          Returns the paths to load, TODO: in which order ?
 List<PropertySource> DefaultMagnoliaPropertiesResolver.getSources()
protected static List<PropertySource> DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties.makeSources(MagnoliaInitPaths initPaths, ModuleRegistry moduleRegistry, MagnoliaPropertiesResolver resolver)

Constructor parameters in info.magnolia.init with type arguments of type PropertySource
AbstractMagnoliaConfigurationProperties(List<PropertySource> propertySources)

Uses of PropertySource in

Classes in that implement PropertySource
 class AbstractPropertySource
          Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for implementation based on an instance of Properties.
 class AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource
          Abstract implementation of PropertySource, providing the basic mechanisms for loading AbstractStreamBasedPropertySource.ConstructingProperties from a given InputStream.
 class ClasspathPropertySource
          Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the classpath from a given path.
 class FileSystemPropertySource
          Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded on the file system from a given path.
 class InitPathsPropertySource
          A PropertySource providing the paths of MagnoliaInitPaths as properties: , , , and .
 class ModulePropertiesSource
          A PropertySource exposing properties from all known module descriptors.
 class ServletContextPropertySource
          Simple PropertySource wrapping Properties loaded with the ServletContext from a given path.
 class SystemPropertySource
          A PropertySource exposing all System.props properties.

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