Uses of Interface

Packages that use UserManager   

Uses of UserManager in

Classes in that implement UserManager
 class DelegatingUserManager
          A UserManager delegating to a set of user managers.
 class ExternalUserManager
          Manages the JAAS users.
 class HierarchicalUserManager
          A variation of a MgnlUserManager which stores users hierarchically using the following structure: /<realm>/<first letter of user name>/<first two letters of user name>.
 class MgnlUserManager
          Manages the users stored in Magnolia itself.
protected  class RescueSecuritySupport.RescueUserManager
          TODO: extract as top level class? Currently this class is tested implicitly by RescueSecuritySupportTest.
 class SystemUserManager
          Responsible to handle system users like anonymous and superuser.

Methods in that return UserManager
 UserManager SecuritySupportImpl.getUserManager()
          Returns a UserManager which is delegating to the configured UserManagers.
 UserManager SecuritySupport.getUserManager()
          Returns a generic UserManager, either for a default realm, or an implementation which delegates to other UserManager instances.
static UserManager Security.getUserManager()
          Returns the configured UserManager.
 UserManager RescueSecuritySupport.getUserManager()
 UserManager SecuritySupportImpl.getUserManager(String realmName)
 UserManager SecuritySupport.getUserManager(String realmName)
          Returns a UserManager for the given realm.
 UserManager RescueSecuritySupport.getUserManager(String realmName)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type UserManager
 Map<String,UserManager> SecuritySupportImpl.getUserManagers()

Methods in with parameters of type UserManager
 void SecuritySupportImpl.addUserManager(String realmName, UserManager delegate)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type UserManager
DelegatingUserManager(Map<String,UserManager> delegates)

Uses of UserManager in info.magnolia.module.mail.util

Methods in info.magnolia.module.mail.util with parameters of type UserManager
protected static Collection<User> MailUtil.getAllUserNodes(UserManager manager)
protected static void MailUtil.getGroupMembersMails(UserManager manager, StringBuffer ret, String groupName)

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