Uses of Class

Packages that use Content2BeanException

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.beans.config that throw Content2BeanException
protected  ServerConfiguration ServerConfiguration.InstanceFactory.transformNode(Content node)

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.commands

Methods in info.magnolia.commands that throw Content2BeanException
 void CommandTransformer.initBean(TransformationState state, Map values)

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.content2bean

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean that throw Content2BeanException
 Object Content2BeanTransformer.convertPropertyValue(Class<?> propertyType, Object value)
          Transforms the simple basic jcr property value objects to more complex properties.
 void Content2BeanTransformer.initBean(TransformationState state, Map values)
          Called after all properties are set.
 Object Content2BeanTransformer.newBeanInstance(TransformationState state, Map values, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Instantiates the bean.
static void Content2BeanUtil.setNodeDatas(Content node, Map map)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO - only used locally - use Content2Bean
static void Content2BeanUtil.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object obj)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - unused - use Content2Bean
 Content Bean2ContentProcessor.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object bean, Bean2ContentTransformer transformer)
static void Content2BeanUtil.setNodeDatas(Content node, Object bean, String[] excludes)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - unused - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - unused - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO - only used locally and by ModuleManagerImpl and TreeHandlerManager
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO - only used locally - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - use Content2Bean
 Object Content2BeanProcessor.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. Similar to toBean() but uses a passed bean as the root bean.
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - only used in tests - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5- only used in DelegateVoter - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO used in FilterManagerImpl, ParagraphManager and TemplateManager - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. since 4.5- only used in DelegateVoter - use Content2Bean
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use Content2Bean TODO -- this method has a bunch of usage points
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 use Content2Bean TODO -- this method has a bunch of usage points
 Object Content2BeanProcessor.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Deprecated. Transforms the node to a bean using the passed transformer and component provider.
static Object Content2BeanUtil.toBean(Content node, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - only used in tests - use Content2Bean
static Map Content2BeanUtil.toMap(Content node)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - not used - use Content2Bean
static Map Content2BeanUtil.toMap(Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - only used in info.magnolia.setup.for3_5.UpdateI18nConfiguration - use Content2Bean
<K,V> Map<K,V>
Content2BeanUtil.toMap(Content node, boolean recursive, Class defaultClass)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO only used in DefaultMessagesManager - use Content2Bean
static Map Content2BeanUtil.toPureMaps(Content node, boolean recursive)
          Deprecated. since 4.5 - TODO only used in info.magnolia.setup.for3_5.CheckAndUpdateExistingFilters - use Content2Bean

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl

Methods in info.magnolia.content2bean.impl that throw Content2BeanException
 Object Content2BeanTransformerImpl.convertPropertyValue(Class<?> propertyType, Object value)
          Most of the conversion is done by the BeanUtils.
 void Content2BeanTransformerImpl.initBean(TransformationState state, Map properties)
          Initializes bean by calling its init method if present.
 Object Content2BeanTransformerImpl.newBeanInstance(TransformationState state, Map properties, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Use the factory util to instantiate.
protected  void Content2BeanProcessorImpl.setProperties(Map<String,Object> values, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, TransformationState state)
          Populates the properties of the bean with values from the map.
 Object Content2BeanProcessorImpl.setProperties(Object bean, Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
 Object Content2BeanProcessorImpl.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
protected  Object Content2BeanProcessorImpl.toBean(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, TransformationState state, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
protected  Map<String,Object> Content2BeanProcessorImpl.toMap(Content node, boolean recursive, Content2BeanTransformer transformer, TransformationState state, ComponentProvider componentProvider)
          Transforms the children of provided content into a map.

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.objectfactory

Methods in info.magnolia.objectfactory that throw Content2BeanException
protected  T ObservedComponentFactory.transformNode(Content node)

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice

Methods in info.magnolia.objectfactory.guice that throw Content2BeanException
protected  T GuiceConfiguredComponentProvider.transformNode(javax.jcr.Node node)

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.rendering.renderer.registry

Constructors in info.magnolia.rendering.renderer.registry that throw Content2BeanException
ConfiguredRendererProvider(String type, javax.jcr.Node configNode)

Uses of Content2BeanException in info.magnolia.rendering.template.registry

Constructors in info.magnolia.rendering.template.registry that throw Content2BeanException
ConfiguredTemplateDefinitionProvider(String id, javax.jcr.Node configNode)

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