Uses of Interface

Packages that use Condition
info.magnolia.module.webapp This package contains the necessary classes to determine if the web-app needs to be bootstrapped, and to do so. 
info.magnolia.setup This package contains the classes necessary to install and update Magnolia's core module. 

Uses of Condition in info.magnolia.module

Methods in info.magnolia.module that return types with arguments of type Condition
protected  List<Condition> AbstractModuleVersionHandler.getDefaultUpdateConditions(Version forVersion)
protected  List<Condition> AbstractModuleVersionHandler.getInstallConditions()

Uses of Condition in

Classes in that implement Condition
 class AbstractCondition
          Base for Conditions, providing name and description.
 class FalseCondition
          A Condition which always return false.
 class TrueCondition
          A Condition which always return true.
 class WarnCondition
          Similar to the WarnTask, WarnCondition will always pass (return true) but will log a warning message in the InstallContext.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Condition
 List<Condition> DeltaBuilder.getConditions()
 List<Condition> Delta.getConditions()
          Returns the list of Conditions which have to be checked before this Delta's Tasks can be executed.

Methods in with parameters of type Condition
 DeltaBuilder DeltaBuilder.addCondition(Condition c)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Condition
 DeltaBuilder DeltaBuilder.addConditions(List<Condition> conditions)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Condition
TextFileConditionsUtil(List<Condition> conditions)
WebXmlConditionsUtil(List<Condition> conditions)
WorkspaceXmlConditionsUtil(List<Condition> conditions)

Uses of Condition in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple.setup

Classes in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple.setup that implement Condition
 class CheckKeyProperty
          Verify that the location of private and public keys used for activation is present in the configuration.

Methods in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple.setup that return types with arguments of type Condition
protected  List<Condition> ExchangeSimpleModuleVersionHandler.getInstallConditions()

Uses of Condition in info.magnolia.module.webapp

Methods in info.magnolia.module.webapp that return types with arguments of type Condition
 List<Condition> WebappDelta.getConditions()

Uses of Condition in info.magnolia.setup

Classes in info.magnolia.setup that implement Condition
 class SystemTmpDirCondition
          A Condition which checks the system temporary folder (as per the property) exists and is writable.

Methods in info.magnolia.setup that return types with arguments of type Condition
protected  List<Condition> CoreModuleVersionHandler.getInstallConditions()

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