Uses of Class

Packages that use ListControl

Uses of ListControl in info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list that return ListControl
 ListControl ListColumn.getListControl()
          Get the list control this column belongs to.

Methods in info.magnolia.cms.gui.controlx.list with parameters of type ListControl
 String ListControlRenderer.getGroupLinkCSSClass(ListControl list, String field)
          Used to get the css class for the grouplinks
 String ListControlRenderer.getSortLinkCSSClass(ListControl list, String field)
          Used to get the css class for the sort links
 String ListControlRenderer.nextGroupByOrder(ListControl list, String field)
          Return asc or desc.
 String ListControlRenderer.nextSortByOrder(ListControl list, String field)
          Return asc or desc.
 String ListControlRenderer.onClick(ListControl list, Integer index)
          Render the click event
 String ListControlRenderer.onDblClick(ListControl list, Integer index)
          Render the double click event
 String ListControlRenderer.onRightClick(ListControl list, Integer index)
          Render the double click event
 String ListControlRenderer.onSelect(ListControl list, Integer index)
          Called onclick, dblclick, contextmenu

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