Uses of Interface

Packages that use Subscriber   

Uses of Subscriber in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Subscriber
 Collection<Subscriber> ActivationManager.getSubscribers()

Methods in with parameters of type Subscriber
 void Syndicator.activate(Subscriber subscriber, String parent, Content content)
          This will activate the specified node to the specified subscriber.
 void Syndicator.activate(Subscriber subscriber, String parent, Content content, List<String> orderBefore)
          This will activate the specified node to the specified subscriber.
 void ActivationManager.addSubscribers(Subscriber subscriber)
          Deprecated. means of setting the subscribers are implementation detail and should not be exposed
 void Syndicator.deactivate(Subscriber subscriber, Content node)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Subscriber
 void ActivationManager.setSubscribers(Collection<Subscriber> subscribers)
          Deprecated. means of setting the subscribers are implementation detail and should not be exposed

Uses of Subscriber in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple

Classes in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple that implement Subscriber
 class DefaultSubscriber
          Bean holder for subscriber configuration.

Methods in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple that return types with arguments of type Subscriber
 Collection<Subscriber> DefaultActivationManager.getSubscribers()

Methods in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple with parameters of type Subscriber
 String BaseSyndicatorImpl.activate(Subscriber subscriber, ActivationContent activationContent, String nodePath)
          Send request of activation of activationContent to the subscriber.
 void BaseSyndicatorImpl.activate(Subscriber subscriber, String parent, Content content)
          This will activate specifies page (sub pages) to the specified subscriber.
 void BaseSyndicatorImpl.activate(Subscriber subscriber, String parent, Content content, List<String> orderBefore)
          This will activate specifies node to the specified subscriber.
 void DefaultActivationManager.addSubscribers(Subscriber subscriber)
 void BaseSyndicatorImpl.deactivate(Subscriber subscriber, Content node)
 String SimpleSyndicator.doDeactivate(Subscriber subscriber, String nodeUUID, String path)
          Deactivate from a specified subscriber.
abstract  String BaseSyndicatorImpl.doDeactivate(Subscriber subscriber, String nodeUUID, String nodePath)
          Deactivate content from specified subscriber.
protected  String BaseSyndicatorImpl.getActivationURL(Subscriber subscriberInfo)
          Retrieves URL subscriber is listening on for (de)activation requests.
protected  String BaseSyndicatorImpl.getDeactivationURL(Subscriber subscriberInfo)
          Return URI set for deactivation.
protected  URLConnection BaseSyndicatorImpl.prepareConnection(Subscriber subscriber, String urlString)
abstract  void ExchangeTask.runTask(Subscriber subscriber)
 void ExchangeTask.setSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber)

Method parameters in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple with type arguments of type Subscriber
 void DefaultActivationManager.setSubscribers(Collection<Subscriber> subscribers)

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