Uses of Class

Packages that use MVCServletHandlerImpl

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.cms.cache.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.cms.cache.pages
 class CacheToolsPage
          Tools page to show cache info and flush caches.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.cms.servlets

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.cms.servlets
 class CommandBasedMVCServletHandler
          This implementation tries first to get a command form it's command catalogue.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface
 class AdminTreeMVCHandler
          This class wraps the tree control.
 class DialogMVCHandler
          This is the MVCHandler for dialogs.
 class PageMVCHandler
          This is the MVCHandler for simple pages.
 class SimplePageMVCHandler
          This is a simple default implementation.
 class TemplatedMVCHandler
          A default page (handler) using a freemarker template to render.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.dialogs

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.dialogs
 class ConfiguredDialog
 class GroupEditDialog
 class ParagraphEditDialog
          This dialog hander delegates to a dialog handler representing the dialog assigned to the paragraph we edit (or create).
static class ParagraphEditDialog.NoDialogMVCHandler
 class ParagraphSelectDialog
          If there are more than one paragraph available you have first to choose one.
 class RolesEditDialog
 class UserEditDialog

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.lists

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.lists
 class AbstractList
 class AbstractSimpleSearchList
 class VersionsList
 class WebsiteSearchList
 class WebsiteVersionsList

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.pages
 class AdminCentralPage
 class ConfigurationPage
 class DevelopmentUtilsPage
          Utilities that can be used during development.
 class ExportPage
          Simple servlet used to import/export data from jcr using the standard jcr import/export features.
 class FileThumbnailDialogPage
 class ImportPage
 class JavascriptIncludePage
 class JavascriptMessagesPage
 class JCRUtilsPage
 class LinkBrowserDialogPage
 class LogViewerPage
 class PermissionPage
          Tools for simple show of all groups, roles or permissions assigned to user.
 class QuickstartPage
 class UsersPage

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.trees

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.admininterface.trees
 class UsersTreeHandler
 class WebsiteTreeHandler

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.exchangesimple.pages
 class ActivationPage
          Activation UI.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.fckeditor.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.fckeditor.pages
 class RepositoryBrowserPage
          Repository browser page.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.mail.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.mail.pages
 class SendMailPage
          A simple page to send emails.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.storeclient.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.storeclient.pages
 class AllModulesListPage
          Lists all installed modules, both installed and not.
 class InstalledModulesListPage
          Lists all installed modules.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.workflow.inbox

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.workflow.inbox
 class Inbox
          The AbstractList responsible for displaying a user's inbox, i.e current work items.
 class SubPagesList
          The AbstractList responsible for displaying sub pages included in an activation workitem.

Uses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.workflow.pages

Subclasses of MVCServletHandlerImpl in info.magnolia.module.workflow.pages
 class WorkflowUtilPage
          A TemplatedMVCHandler providing utility/test functions for workflows.

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