Class Paragraph

  extended by info.magnolia.rendering.template.configured.ConfiguredRenderableDefinition
      extended by info.magnolia.rendering.template.configured.ConfiguredTemplateDefinition
          extended by info.magnolia.module.templating.AbstractRenderable
              extended by info.magnolia.module.templating.Paragraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
RenderableDefinition, TemplateDefinition

Deprecated. since 4.5, the differentiation of paragraphs and templates were removed. Use RenderableDefinition instead.

public class Paragraph
extends AbstractRenderable

Represents a paragraph definition. Following are most of the properties you can use to configure your paragraphs. Of course, if you're using specific subclasses, other properties could be available.

Property Default Values Description
class Paragraph    
type jsp,freemarker, ... Determines which ParagraphRenderer to use. Out of the box, Magnolia provides support for JSP and FreeMarker.
templatePath   This property follows conventional syntax for path definitions. This property defines the path to the template to be used for this paragraph.
modelClass   The fully qualified name of a class implementing RenderingModel The bean created by the renderer based on the modelClass defined on the paragraph or template definition. The current content, definition and the parent model are passed to the constructor. This object is instantiated for each rendering of a template or a paragraph.
i18nBasename info.magnolia.module. admininterface.messages or whatever the i18nBasename is set to in the dialog for this paragraph. This can be any properly defined Magnolia message bundle. This property defines the message bundle to use for this paragraph.
title   The title or a message bundle key to be used with the bundle defined by i18nBasename. This property defines the title of the paragraph.
description   The description or a message bundle key to be used with the bundle defined by i18nBasename. This property is used to describe the paragraph.
dialog     This property is used to specify the name of the dialog associated with this paragraph.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.module.templating.AbstractRenderable
determineTemplatePath, getDescription, getDialog, getI18nBasename, getName, getParameters, getRenderType, getTemplatePath, getTemplateScript, getTitle, getType, newModel, setDescription, setDialog, setI18nBasename, setName, setParameters, setRenderType, setTemplatePath, setTemplateScript, setTitle, setType, toString
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.rendering.template.configured.ConfiguredTemplateDefinition
addArea, getAreas, getEditable, getTemplateAvailability, getVisible, setAreas, setEditable, setTemplateAvailability, setVisible
Methods inherited from class info.magnolia.rendering.template.configured.ConfiguredRenderableDefinition
addParameter, addVariation, getAutoGeneration, getId, getModelClass, getVariations, setAutoGeneration, setId, setModelClass, setVariations
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface info.magnolia.rendering.template.RenderableDefinition
getAutoGeneration, getId, getModelClass, getVariations, setId

Constructor Detail


public Paragraph()

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