Uses of Class

Packages that use Template

Uses of Template in info.magnolia.module.templating

Methods in info.magnolia.module.templating that return Template
 Template TemplateManager.getDefaultTemplate(Content node)
          Deprecated. Get the Template that could be used for the provided Content as a default.
 Template TemplateManager.getInfo(String key, String extension)
          Deprecated. Returns the cached content of the requested template.
 Template Template.getSubTemplate(String extension)
 Template TemplateManager.getTemplateDefinition(String key)
          Deprecated. Returns the cached content of the requested template.

Methods in info.magnolia.module.templating that return types with arguments of type Template
 Iterator<Template> TemplateManager.getAvailableTemplates()
          Deprecated. Get templates collection.
 Iterator<Template> TemplateManager.getAvailableTemplates(Content node)
 Map<String,Template> Template.getSubTemplates()

Methods in info.magnolia.module.templating with parameters of type Template
 void Template.addSubTemplate(String extension, Template subTemplate)
 void TemplateRenderer.renderTemplate(Content content, Template template, Writer out)
          Generates the actual output using the selected template.

Method parameters in info.magnolia.module.templating with type arguments of type Template
 void Template.setSubTemplates(Map<String,Template> subTemplates)

Uses of Template in info.magnolia.module.templating.renderers

Methods in info.magnolia.module.templating.renderers with parameters of type Template
 void ServletTemplateRenderer.renderTemplate(Content content, Template template, Writer out)
 void PlainTextTemplateRenderer.renderTemplate(Content content, Template template, Writer out)
 void AbstractTemplateRenderer.renderTemplate(Content content, Template template, Writer out)

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