Uses of Class

Packages that use AggregationState

Uses of AggregationState in info.magnolia.context

Fields in info.magnolia.context declared as AggregationState
protected  AggregationState WebContextImpl.aggregationState

Methods in info.magnolia.context that return AggregationState
 AggregationState WebContextImpl.getAggregationState()
 AggregationState WebContext.getAggregationState()
          Retrieves the Aggregator instance, which gathers all info regarding the current request (paths, etc).
static AggregationState MgnlContext.getAggregationState()
          Returns the AggregationState if we're in a WebContext, throws an IllegalStateException otherwise.
protected abstract  AggregationState WebContextImpl.newAggregationState()
protected  AggregationState WebContextFactoryImpl.newAggregationState()
          Override this method if you need to provide a specific subclass of AggregationState.

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