Interface QueryAwareVirtualURIMapping

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
HostBasedRegexpVirtualURIMapping, RegexpVirtualURIMapping, RotatingVirtualURIMapping

public interface QueryAwareVirtualURIMapping
extends VirtualURIMapping

QueryAwareVirtualURIMapping implementations are used by VirtualURIManager and VirtualUriFilter to transform incoming URI requests with query string.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping
Method Summary
 VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult mapURI(String uri, String queryString)
          Maps an incoming URI and queryString to a new target URI.
Methods inherited from interface info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.VirtualURIMapping

Method Detail


VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult mapURI(String uri,
                                       String queryString)
Maps an incoming URI and queryString to a new target URI. Returns a VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult describing the new URI and the level of match. The new URI can be prefixed with "redirect:", "permanent:" or "forward:" to trigger either a temporary redirect, a permanent redirect or a forward respectively. For redirects the URI can be absolute or relative within the web application (the context path is added automatically). If the mapping does not apply to the input URI this method returns null.

uri - the URI of the current request, decoded and without the context path
queryString - the Query String of the current request
a VirtualURIMapping.MappingResult with the target URI and level or null if the mapping doesn't apply

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