Package info.magnolia.jcr.iterator

Class Summary
ChainedNodeIterator An implementation of NodeIterator which will chain several iterators making them behave like one.
DelegatingNodeIterator Delegating NodeIterator intended to be used by subclasses for decoration.
DelegatingPropertyIterator Delegating PropertyIterator intended to be used by subclasses for decoration.
FilteringNodeIterator NodeIterator hiding all nodes that do not pass the predicate, returned nodes can also be wrapped effectively extending the condition to the whole hierarchy.
FilteringPropertyIterator PropertyIterator hiding all properties that do not pass the predicate, returned properties can also be wrapped.
FilteringRangeIterator<T> Base class for implementing filtering JCR iterators.
NodeIterableAdapter Adapter for NodeIterator that always returns the same iterator.
RangeIteratorImpl<T> Intended as a base class when implementing JCR iterators, sub-classes need only implement the special next methods such as nextNode() for NodeIterator.
SameChildNodeTypeIterator Creates iterator looping over all children of provided node that are of same node type.
WrappingNodeIterator Node iterator wrapping all returned nodes using provided node wrapper.
WrappingPropertyIterator Property iterator wrapping all returned nodes using provided property wrapper.

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