Class LinkTransformerManager

  extended by

public class LinkTransformerManager
extends Object

Single point of access for all Link Transformers.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 AbsolutePathTransformer getAbsolute()
          Creates instance of absolute link transformer that will prepend the context path, will use URI2Repository mapping while constructing links and will localize the link if localization is set up.
 AbsolutePathTransformer getAbsolute(boolean addContextPath)
          Creates instance of absolute link transformer that will optionally prepend the context path, but will always use URI2Repository mapping while constructing links and will localize the link if localization is set up.
 LinkTransformer getBrowserLink(String currentPath)
          Creates instance of link transformer that will transform any provided links to either absolute or relative path based on the current server configuration.
 CompleteUrlPathTransformer getCompleteUrl()
          Creates instance of Complete URL link transformer that will create fully qualified and localized link to content denoted by Link provided to its transform method.
 EditorLinkTransformer getEditorLink()
static LinkTransformerManager getInstance()
          Gets the current singleton instance.
 RelativePathTransformer getRelative(Content page)
          Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to the content provided here.
 RelativePathTransformer getRelative(String absolutePath)
          Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to path provided here.
 boolean isAddContextPathToBrowserLinks()
 boolean isMakeBrowserLinksRelative()
 void setAddContextPathToBrowserLinks(boolean addContextPathToBrowserLinks)
 void setMakeBrowserLinksRelative(boolean makeBrowserLinksRelative)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LinkTransformerManager()
Method Detail


public boolean isAddContextPathToBrowserLinks()


public void setAddContextPathToBrowserLinks(boolean addContextPathToBrowserLinks)


public boolean isMakeBrowserLinksRelative()


public void setMakeBrowserLinksRelative(boolean makeBrowserLinksRelative)


public static LinkTransformerManager getInstance()
Gets the current singleton instance.


public AbsolutePathTransformer getAbsolute()
Creates instance of absolute link transformer that will prepend the context path, will use URI2Repository mapping while constructing links and will localize the link if localization is set up.


public AbsolutePathTransformer getAbsolute(boolean addContextPath)
Creates instance of absolute link transformer that will optionally prepend the context path, but will always use URI2Repository mapping while constructing links and will localize the link if localization is set up.


public RelativePathTransformer getRelative(Content page)
Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to the content provided here. During the translation all valid URI2repository mappings and i18n will be applied.


public RelativePathTransformer getRelative(String absolutePath)
Creates instance of Relative link transformer that will translate path to the provided Link relative to path provided here. During the translation all valid URI2repository mappings and i18n will be applied.


public CompleteUrlPathTransformer getCompleteUrl()
Creates instance of Complete URL link transformer that will create fully qualified and localized link to content denoted by Link provided to its transform method.


public EditorLinkTransformer getEditorLink()
See Also:


public LinkTransformer getBrowserLink(String currentPath)
Creates instance of link transformer that will transform any provided links to either absolute or relative path based on the current server configuration.

currentPath - Path to make links relative to, if relative path translation is configured on the server.

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