Uses of Interface

Packages that use CachePolicy

Uses of CachePolicy in info.magnolia.module.cache

Methods in info.magnolia.module.cache that return CachePolicy
 CachePolicy CacheConfiguration.getCachePolicy()

Methods in info.magnolia.module.cache with parameters of type CachePolicy
 void CacheConfiguration.setCachePolicy(CachePolicy cachePolicy)

Uses of CachePolicy in info.magnolia.module.cache.cachepolicy

Classes in info.magnolia.module.cache.cachepolicy that implement CachePolicy
 class Default
          A basic CachePolicy driven by voters.
 class Never
          Cache policy instructing cache not to store the generated content.

Uses of CachePolicy in info.magnolia.module.cache.executor

Methods in info.magnolia.module.cache.executor that return CachePolicy
protected  CachePolicy Store.getCachePolicy(Cache cache)

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