Interface ErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractErrorHandler, StrictErrorHandler, TaskLogErrorHandler

Deprecated. since 4.5.18 - use ErrorHandler instead.

public interface ErrorHandler

ErrorHandler implementations can decide what to do with certain conditions. Specifically, they'll usually log or throw exceptions. They can only throw NodeOperationException (or other RuntimeExceptions, obviously), which the client code is expected to handle.

Method Summary
 void handle(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e, Content context)
          Deprecated. The operation calling this method isn't expected to do anything here; the ErrorHandler implementation will attempt to build a fully formed message, then decide what to do with it.
 void report(String message)
          Deprecated. The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue.
 void report(String message, Throwable cause)
          Deprecated. The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue.

Method Detail


void report(String message)
            throws NodeOperationException
The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue. The ErrorHandler implementation will decide what to do with it. (log, throw a NodeOperationException, ...)



void report(String message,
            Throwable cause)
            throws NodeOperationException
The operation calling this method is expected to pass a fully formed message; it should ideally contain some context information about the operation that caused an issue. The ErrorHandler implementation will decide what to do with it. (log, throw a NodeOperationException, ...)



void handle(javax.jcr.RepositoryException e,
            Content context)
            throws NodeOperationException
The operation calling this method isn't expected to do anything here; the ErrorHandler implementation will attempt to build a fully formed message, then decide what to do with it. (log, throw a NodeOperationException, ...)


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