Package info.magnolia.objectfactory

Interface Summary
ClassFactory ClassFactory implementations are responsible for locating and instantiating classes.
ComponentFactory<T> Implementations of ComponentFactory provide their own instantiation mechanisms.
ComponentProvider ComponentProvider is responsible for providing components, these can be scoped as singletons or live in narrower scopes such as local and session, or be non scoped in which case a new instances will be created.
ParameterResolver Used to resolve a parameter when invoking a constructor.

Class Summary
CandidateParameterResolver Parameter resolver which looks for suitable parameters in a set of candidates.
Classes Entry point to the currently configured ClassFactory, as well as some additional utility methods for manipulating Class objects.
Classes.ClassFactoryProvider ClassFactoryProvider is used to hide the "swapability" of ClassFactory.
ComponentConfigurationPath A string-based representation of a node path, in the form of repository:/path/to/node, or /path/to/node (where the repository defaults to "config").
ComponentFactoryUtil Utility method to work with ComponentFactorys.
Components Static access utility for the currently set ComponentProvider.
ConfiguredComponentFactory<T> Builds a component configured in the repository by using content2bean.
DefaultClassFactory A ClassFactory implementation which uses the default class loader and the thread context class loader.
DefaultComponentProvider Deprecated. since 4.5, use IoC, i.e another implementation of ComponentProvider.
LazyObservedComponentFactory<T> ComponentFactory that provides an instance by reading it from a repository.
ObjectManufacturer Creates objects by dynamically resolving the parameters to use.
ObservedComponentFactory<T> Generic observed singleton factory.
ParameterInfo Holds details about a constructors parameter.

Exception Summary
MgnlInstantiationException Thrown by classes of this package when a component can't be instantiated.
NoSuchComponentException Thrown by ComponentProvider methods.

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