Uses of Class

Packages that use FilteringRangeIterator

Uses of FilteringRangeIterator in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration

Subclasses of FilteringRangeIterator in info.magnolia.jcr.decoration
 class ContentDecoratorNodeIterator
          NodeIterator that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.
 class ContentDecoratorPropertyIterator
          PropertyIterator that applies wrappers and filtering by delegating to a ContentDecorator.

Uses of FilteringRangeIterator in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator

Subclasses of FilteringRangeIterator in info.magnolia.jcr.iterator
 class FilteringNodeIterator
          NodeIterator hiding all nodes that do not pass the predicate, returned nodes can also be wrapped effectively extending the condition to the whole hierarchy.
 class FilteringPropertyIterator
          PropertyIterator hiding all properties that do not pass the predicate, returned properties can also be wrapped.
 class SameChildNodeTypeIterator
          Creates iterator looping over all children of provided node that are of same node type.

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